Skeleton Jack

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 I do not own any of the characters from this movie!

His Pov

Finishing up Halloween, I gave polite nods towards the crowd who were moving in on me. That was until the Mayor announced the awards. That always gets the crowds attention away from me. When their backs were turned, I snuck away. During the parade, I thought I saw a new face. They were terrified, but considering all the commotion, it doesn't surprise me. This was our scariest Halloween yet. Looking around, I scratched my head when I couldn't find them. They disappeared fast.

Hearing the bark of Zero near the cemetery, I started making my way there. Maybe he can help me find the new creature.

"Zero, I have a task for you." I called opening the cemetery gate, but falling back as someone ran into me. Knocking me down with them on me. They were sobbing and shaking as they scrambled away from me. Crawling back to the wall and curling up. It's the new creature, luckily.

"Good boy, Zero." I laughed to the ghost dog before kneeling in front of the person, "Well, I must say, I haven't seen you in Halloween Town before." 

"H..Halloween Town?" They whimpered, visibly crying. Noticing the horns on their head, how red their skin is and their black wings, I would say that this person is a, rather horrifyingly attractive  little demon. Though I've never seen a scared demon before.

"Oh, so you just died." I hummed, holding a hand out to them, which made their (E/C) eyes widen, "My name is Jack Skellington. The Pumpkin King."

"I died?" They shuttered. Clearly they are in shock. I remember when I died and I was just as shocked. Grabbing their hands, I pulled them to their feet.

"Yes, now what is your name and can you tell me what happened?" I questioned, wrapping an arm around their shoulders to lead them away. I'm sure they're hungry and are needing a temporary place to stay.

They were quiet for a minute as they looked around. Moving closer to me when we passed the others residence of Halloween Town. Though they shook, they kept silent, in clear deep concentration

"My name is (Y/N)." They whispered, "I.. I think I was murdered."

Time Skip 1 Year

Finishing up the final touches of the parade, I gave a small wave to the mayor as I hurried home. Picking several dead flowers on the way. (Y/N) has lived with me for about a year now. I quickly grew addicted to their presence at home. They've been a constant calm compared to everyone else. Even Zero calms down on the demon's lap to sleep more now. It's now common for everyone to see us together. Many even call (Y/N) my, Little Demon.  Considering (Y/N) does experiments with me and I've helped them get used to their new life, as well as fly, it was only natural. 

Of course their murder made it hard on them for a while. With constant dreams of their killer chasing them on Halloween night. My Little Demon is better now though. Enough so that I'm going to ask them to be with me officially, so we could be the Pumpkin Patch Royals. I'm just hoping they'll say yes.

"(Y/N), Zero, I'm home."  I called, pausing at the silence. That's not normal, since (Y/N) always responds to me. Hearing giggling, I glared at the dead shrubs by the door and grabbed the kid hiding there. 

"Please Jack, let me go." Barrel pleaded as the Lock and Stock hurried out as well.

"I take it you all did some kind of prank. Where is (Y/N)?" I demanded dropping him.

"Just on a little scavenger hunt." Stock chuckled. Glaring at them, I didn't trust that. They work for Oogie Boogie after all. That's the reason they're not well like here. Picking up the girl I held her over my head as I glared at them.

"I have yet to hear of anyone dying in  Halloween town. How about we see if it's possible?" I growled, opening my mouth wide, with sharp teeth and lowering her. Hearing the horrified screams from all of them.

"We sent her to the treehouse. We said you were there, so (Y/N) went there."  Lock screamed before I put her down. It was a round about way to say it, but they sent my Little Demon to Oogie Boogie. Sprinting to the treehouse, I tried to stay quick as I snuck down Oogie Boogie's layer and inside. The sight made me was to growl, but I managed to keep calm.

(Y/N) was bound with rope from head to ankle and hanging from a hook and rope on the ceiling. Boogie was spinning them around like he was celebrating a prize. Crawling down the wall, I moved around carefully to stay out of his view.

"Well, little Demon, with you on my side, I will now have something Jack doesn't." He gloated spinning (Y/N)

Glaring at the fact that he used my nickname for (Y/N) , I jumped, grabbed the rope holding (Y/N) up, and kicked him down. Standing on him, so he wouldn't be able to get up.

"This is the last straw Boogie." I growled, "You target (Y/N) and that was a mistake."

"If it makes me better than you, I don't care. It was a gamble worth taking." Boogie laughed, "Besides, I've been thinking. You're been hiding (Y/N) from me. Now that I know what you've been hiding, I won't let you have them, but you'll fight for them. Wouldn't it make sense if neither of us have the Little Demon?"

I didn't understand what he was saying, until he grabbed my leg as the floor started opening up. A glowing green liquid below us. Kicking his hand away and bouncing off him, I held onto (Y/N), since that was the safest place for now. I could hear Boogie's scream as the liquid consumed him.

"What was that all about?" (Y/N) asked as I cut the rope around their wings. If anything, we can get out by flying.

"He was jealous and gone mad from it." I explained hanging on as we went through the treehouse and outside, "You probably haven't noticed (Y/N), but being around me as many eyes on you. You are the best looking monster in the town."

"I'm not, but that's sweet of you to say that." They hummed, landing outside the town.

"Little Demon, when have I ever lied to you?" I pointed out, grabbing their hands, "I'm as serious as death when I say that."

Noticing the small smile on their face, made me so happy that I hugged them tightly. They believe me still and they're safe. That's all that matters to me.

"Thank you Pumpkin king." They sighed, in what I'm guessing is contentment. Now is as good a time as any to ask them.

"(Y/N), I would like to make this official."  I coughed, "I would like to stay by your side as your king. To be there when you cry or when your at your joyous. To always be there to save you when you need me. We are already close to being a couple, I feel, but I want to take that official step with you." 

Absolute shock covered on their face. I didn't think the news would be that surprising.

"I, um, yes. I would like that a lot." They laughed, hugging me. Smiling I hugged them back. Kissing my little demon before we could separate. This should make the rest of my after life perfect now. Hearing the howl of a werewolf, I knew that Halloween was starting. Grabbing their hand, I grinned at them.

"Let's make our first Halloween together and as a couple, a special one, my Little Demon."

"Absolutely, My King." They grinned wickedly with their wings spreading out and fangs showing. just like a new beautiful nightmare.

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