Dark Fairy (His Pov)

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Reader is a girl and a hybrid in this one! I originally posted this story on another account I shared with someone, years ago, but we could never get back into the account to finish it. I'll most likely publish this series after I fix the first 10 chapters, since I don't want it taken down for copy writing. Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Putting on my helmet, I glanced around.  Cole had said that this is where the three armies were supposed to meet up, based on their paces and directions. After serving with him for nearly ten years, I've learned to trust his calculations on these kinds of things. Our moods have never been this somber since the mascara of our crew when we were guiding the traitor prince to safety. When we lost our best friend, one of our masters, and 12 of our comrades out of 16, there was nothing that could lift our spirits then.

Looking over at (Y/N), I saw that she was sitting on a large rock with her sword in one clawed hand and messing with her pendant with her other claws. I don't think any of us has suffered more than her. She's nearly died countless time, both from war and sickness. The sickness brought on by mixing her human blood with angel and monster blood. Her body has changed to show it too. She had large dragon wings, but they were white and gold like the angles. Her horns were dragon horns but held the same colors as her wings. She had the gold angelic ruins along her arms and legs, but her teeth and claws were of a dragon. However, she mostly kept her human form. She was our leader and has sacrificed the most because of it.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I moved over to her, "You look like you're scared I'll outshine you in battle, Boss. Did you get rusty while in isolation?" 

I attempted to tease her, which brought a small sad smile on her face, " You know we're going to die, Bracken. It's only the three of us against three armies."

Opening my mouth, I wanted to comfort her, but I know there's nothing I can say to do that. She's right. Even with the years of training we've had to fight, the fact that I'm a Dark Fey King, and she's a Tri-blood, we won't get out of here alive. Glancing over at Cole, I saw that he had now joined us. A hopeless look on his face. I don't like seeing either of them like this.

"Maybe, but to be honest and serious, there's no one I would rather die besides than you two." I admitted, "You guys are my family and my best friends. I've watched both of you die before, but this time, I'll die with you too."

I could see tears swell in (Y/N)'s eyes as she stood and pulled us into a group hug, "I love you guys. It's been an honor fighting and dying with you two."

Trying to keep my tears back, I glanced over at Cole from over (Y/N)'s head. He was crying quietly but glanced at me too. We've always fought for (Y/N)'s affection. We figured if anyone was going to marry her in the future, it would be one of us. He is still one of my best friends though. I wanted to date (Y/N) just like he did. Seems like neither of us are going to get that chance. Hugging (Y/N) tightly, I wrapped my arm around him in a hug too.

"You two were the best part of my life. I'm happy my last stand is with you two. Us three against the world." Cole choked out, before we all jumped at the high pitched shrill of an angel.

The armies are here and we're out of time. Turning towards the forest behind me, I could see the glowing eyes of the monsters. Every monster who wants to eat every human and kill every angel. Behind me, I could hear the humans' scream. They're so scared of the monster that they want to kill all of them. Not to mention they believe the angels should obey them. Glancing towards my left at the sky, I flinched at the angels floating in the air. They were just as horrifyingly beautiful as (Y/N) said they were. They want to kill all life so they can purify the world.

Feeling (Y/N)'s hand bush mine, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it to comfort her, "Boys, I'm sorry."

Confused, I looked at her when she let my hand go. Hot air pushed me back harshly as she used her angelic powers on us. Blinking away my shock, I saw she had cut her palm with her sword and dug in into the ground, a spell.

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