Yandere Zeus

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This was requested by Letrah8301! Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!

Grunting as you blocked the sword, you swiped your sword at your opponent's feet. Making him jump back and trip over a shield left on the ground.  Lunging at him, you held your sword to his neck, smirking in victory down at him.

"I yield." He announced, earning cheers from the soldiers around you.

Helping him up, you grinned as he bowed at you. As heir to Greece, you were told when you were young to follow any god or goddess of your choosing. You choose the goddess Athena, for her wisdom and military tactics. If you're going to rule Greece, you'll need her wisdom after all and military knowledge to protect your empire.

"(Y/N)." Looking towards your castle, you saw your father standing there, looking upset, "You are late for the blessings."

"Oh right." You gasped, handing your sword to a soldier before running to catch up with your father.

Servants following you as they put gems and gold jewelry on you. You don't want the gods to think that you're just some poor peasant after all. You have to give the appearance as a royal after all. Reaching the royal hall, you put on an air of grace. If you've pleased your goddess Athena, then she'll grant you with another five years of her blessings. Your father chose Zeus when he was younger, so Zeus will be there as well.

Letting out a breath, you smiled when you saw your goddess standing by the throne. A faint smile on her mouth that gave you hope. Behind her, you could see Zeus watching as well, but he's not your concern, despite the fact he's the king of the gods. Around the rest of the room were nobles and tables filled with food. This is a type of party after all.

Bowing in front of Athena, you smiled when you felt her hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N), I've seen your practice. You do not waste the blessing I bestow upon you. Therefore, I give you more. Keep using them wisely and you will become a great leader of your people."

"Yes, My goddess." You agreed, earning cheers from everyone around you.

At the deal made, the party started. Music played, people danced, food was eaten, and you were happy to celebrate. You will soon be the ruler of Greece with the best goddess you could think of. You couldn't ask for anything more. 

Laughing as your father spun you in a dance, you giggled as you were passed to the next partner. Your eyes widening when you saw Zeus. Lightning flashing in his eyes as he grinned at you.

"Congratulations on another well-deserved blessing, (Y/N). I only wish it was my blessing you asked for." He sighed, pulling you closer, "We could have made a great team. It's never to late to chance your mind and choose me."

"I'm flattered you think we would, My Lord, but I'm happy with choosing Athena." You admitted, trying not to flinch when his grip around you tightened, "Maybe one day, an adopted child of mine will choose you."

"Unfortunately, that's not good enough for me, but you do seem happy." He muttered, "Is receiving the blessings from a child from the big six better than from the king? Is there nothing I could give you to make you choose me?"

"My lord, if I may, you almost sound jealous of your daughter." You pointed out, earning a faint smile from him, "I don't think there's anything you could give me."

"Not even the throne by my side." He sounded like he was trying to tempt you, " You could rule Olympus by my side, share my bed and meals with me. Everything you deserve for someone as stunning as you."

Horrified, you pulled out of his grip quickly and looked around as if someone would listen in, "My lord, please don't say that. Athena and Hera would be furious if they heard you and I would take the punishment."

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