Yandere Vampire Demon

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This was asked for by MiracleKwami! The reader is a female angel in this one, but guys read it however you want! This will get a little, um kinky, I guess?  It's nothing like what I've done before, though I probably won't do one like this again. Enjoy!


Watching the elegant dresses swirl around, I wasn't impressed. The other demons danced, but I refused no matter how many times I was asked. Suppressing a yawn, I glared at a demoness and her father who approached me. Bold of them to strut past the guards to me. She has a disgusting confidence about her though. She's sure she can bag me. What an idiot. I'm sure her father and her only want me for my power.

"My King of Lust, Ozzy. My daughter, Isalina." The weaker demon introduced.

"Get out of my sight." I growled before she could say a word.

Shock on their faces before she glared at me, "Oh, you think you're so great. Maybe if you actually acted interesting, you would get more offers to dance."

"Yet I'm the one on the throne, not you." I growled, snapping my hand out to choke her and lift her off the ground, "I do not repeat myself, now leave my castle."

I'm not going to give her a choice. Turning, I threw her out the window. Hearing her screams as she fell over the cliff. The ballroom was silent for a second after that. Her father running out of the castle in clear fear. It wasn't long before the dancing and music continued. 

Sensing a change, I took a cautious sniff. A delicious smell wafted through the air. A couple of little angels have dropped in for a visit. Scanning the crowd again, I couldn't pick them out. They did a good job at visibly hiding themselves. The smell got stronger as I heard some glass shatter.

"Why don't you watch where you're going!" Turning to the female voice, I saw that she was yelling at one of the servants. 

Her friend was behind her, with (H/C) hair, was holding her hand towards her chest. Slight fear on her face as she looked around. That's them. Motioning for a guard, I didn't remove my eyes from the injured angel.

"Party's over, Evacuate everyone calmly. Keep the band playing." I hissed, before making my way to them.

I could feel the others watching them. The other vampire demons know they don't belong here. These angels are asking to become dinner, just by being here. The smell of the blood of that one is absolutely intoxicating though. Reaching them, I grabbed her wrist, to keep her from running, but also to get her attention.

"I see there was a problem here." I hummed, noticing her gorgeous (E/C) eyes widen with slightly more fear. 

"Uh, no. Your Highness." She assured me, "It was just an accident."

"None the less, we don't waste blood here." I acted as if I was reminding her before, licking the blood off her fingers.

I've never had anything like it before. It was sweeter than any fruit created. More addicting than any human alcohol. She's completely pure. Completely innocent. Completely mine now. It took me a second to recover my thoughts after just a little taste of her blood.

"Dance with me." I ordered, grabbing her hand tighter when she tried to pull away.

"I...I have to leave." She whimpered, but I spun her to me as I started our dance, "Please let me go, Your Highness."

"No." I smirked as she looked away with her body tensing slightly, "You wouldn't refuse a dance with the King of Lust, would you? It's a far way across hell just to do that."

"It's not that. I just have to leave." She whimpered, giving a cute squeak as I spun her out then pulled her in closer than before. 

My arms wrapping completely around her as I lowered my head to whisper in her ear, "You're a long way from heaven, Little Dove."

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