Yandere Candy Pop (His Pov)

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This was requested by Littleknightmare! It was inspired by his back story and it's in his pov. Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Keeping an eye on the group five of humans, I put on a smile as I approached them. A bundle of purple balloons in my hands. They noticed me, one by one, yet each one had a look of fear on their faces.

"Hello there." I chirped holding out a stringed balloon, "Care for one?"

The smallest girl seemed hesitant but reached out for one.  Three more following her example while the fifth one, a boy, glared at me. I've seen plenty like him. He's going to try to run, but he won't get far. Night Terror will make sure of that. Twisting the jester hammer, I chuckled.

"Would you rather have a balloon animal?" I teased hoping to encourage him to take it.

"I know what you are, Candy Pop." He hissed, glaring at the others, "All of you are idiots."

Watching him run off, I let out a sigh. There's always one that won't make it easy. Turning to the group, I could see them looking at me in fear and confusion. I'm sure he didn't make this any better.

"Don't worry your pretty little heads about him. I'll make sure he has a great time." My voice spoke, but it wasn't me.

I know better than to fight it now. When he's on the hunt, I can't stop him. These others will be dead in no time. The balloons will bring their souls to us. Flying up, I scanned the grounds for him. Frowning when a light grey smoke seemed to fill my vision.

"Don't you get tired of this?" I muttered, flinching at the slight headache I got.

"Me? I'm just having fun." My voice was darker now.

Well, not my voice, but Night Terror was using it, so it was a little darker as a result. Hearing the boy's screams, I knew he was living a nightmare. One that he won't ever wake up from. If it wasn't for Night Terror messing with my vision, I would be able to go get that kid's soul.

"You used to understand what fun was." He yawned, but I felt him smile.

"That was before what you did." I snapped, earning a chuckle from him.

"I didn't do anything. You were the one to kill your race." He hissed, "You were the one to doom yourself to being the last Genyr. You were the one who killed your Candy Heart. You became the very thing you swore to destroy."

"I'm not like you." Hearing another scream, I blinked when the fog lifted away.

"Oh, but you are. I've seen you kill with no mercy, and you love it when we absorb their souls." He cackled, "Why I bet you'll kill that boy on your own."

Searching the grounds, I tensed when I saw him enter the tent.  A weapon in his hands. Flying towards the tent, I landed before going in. Glaring at him as he towered over (Y/N).

"Wow, you found part of the circus." I chuckled, adjusting my hammer to bounce it in my hands, "Unfortunately it's not open. Naughty people shouldn't into places they don't belong."

His eyes widened before he held the knife to (Y/N)'s neck, "Stay back."

"No reason to lose our heads." I laughed, letting the hammer disappear so he would relax a little, "The game will end soon enough."

"What did you do?" He growled, as I moved around to him with my hands up, "Is this person dead?"

"Tsk tsk, you ask a lot of questions." I hissed, glancing at my (Y/N) to see a cut on their neck, "They are simply resting. I say we leave them alone, yes? It's rude to wake someone up."

The boy seemed hesitant, but he looked at (Y/N), giving me the distraction, I needed, "Let's go have a smashing time."

Quickly forming my hammer, I brought it down on him. Feeling his soul travel through the hammer to me as his body got squashed. His soul sending an electrifying shiver down my spine. He hurt my (Y/N), my Candy Heart. He deserved to die for sure. I shouldn't want to kill him, but I did, and it felt good.

"See, you like killing more than you care to admit." Night Terror's voice laughed from me.

"How many more until I'm done." I snapped, seeing the glowing balloons fly in.

Popping them, I sighed in enjoyment as we consumed them. I do like collecting souls, but I shouldn't.

"Why so eager to separate? Why not a trip down memory lane." Flinching when I had pain across my body, I grunted when he started walking.

Towering over (Y/N) and the mirror in their hands. watching colors swirl, I frowned when a familiar image came to view. I was grinning as I peeked around the tent and tiptoed over to my love. They don't suspect a thing, not that they would. Letting out a roar, I wrapped my arms around them from behind in a hug. Lifting the off the ground as I spun them.

"Candy Pop, that's not funny." (Y/N) pouted, making me laugh.

"Was too." I teased, poking their cheek playfully.

Earning a grin and a chuckle. They can never stay mad at me for long. It the only way I know I can get by with tricks with (Y/N). Though my tricks aren't like they used to be. Not since I meet (Y/N) and not since I defeated the demon king, Night Terrors. If it's a change brought on by (Y/N) though then it was probably for the best. Blinking from my thoughts when I felt their lips on mine, I grinned down at them. The face they made seeming like they were deep in thought.

"You don't taste like candy." they hummed, making me laugh as I popped in some candy and kissed them again.

"Better, Candy Heart?" I chuckled, which they nodded at.

"Much better." They agreed, kissing me again.

Then it faded to me fighting demons. This was after Night Terror tried to kill me. When I combined our souls so I could live. When I thought he had captured (Y/N) to torture as payback against me. 

Watching the image again, my hammer was smashing demons after demons. Absorbing their souls to gain more power. Swirling to hit the last demon, my eyes widened when the shadow dropped to see my (Y/N). There was no time to stop my hammer as I hit them. Their body hadn't even touched the ground before I dropped the hammer and ran to them. I could already feel their soul in me as I picked them up to cradle them.

I could see (Y/N)'s soul traveling through me to my chest. Swirling in the place where my heart should have been. Night Terror had trapped it in the mirror though. Seeing my weakness, he trapped (Y/N) in there too.

"Enough." I growled, finally able to gain enough control to move away, "I know what I did, because of you."

Feeling my head snap to the side, I glared at my bloodstained self in a mirror, which smiled back at me. The pupils of my eyes a taunting red against the purple and my teeth now sharp like a demon. Even my clothes are different from what I used to wear. Darker blues when I used to wear blues and purples that matched my hair and eyes.

"Collecting 30,000 souls was the deal. You're only at 10,000." My reflection taunted, "Better channel that need to kill faster. Your Candy Heart's soul is looking like a tasty snack."

"Don't you dare hurt my (Y/N)." I warned, but he only laughed darkly.

"Tick Tock, Pop." He warned, once again gaining control of my body and forcing us to leave.

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