Kitsune pt 3

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Creaking the door open, you glanced around the den and took a hesitant sniff. You couldn't smell Keshin anywhere near the area. The perfect time for an escape to the outside world. You haven't even left the room since mid-winter. Considering its mid-summer, you think a little fresh air is way overdue. With Keshin going to get Ronin, now is the perfect time. Managing to waddle to through the kitchen to the door, you slipped your sandals on before heading out. The fresh air and warm sun were super relaxing to you. Sucking in a deep breath, your eyes widened as the baby kicked your stomach repeatedly.

"Easy little one." You chuckled, rubbing your stomach in hopes of settling the baby down, "Papa will return soon. Then we'll be stuck in that nest again."

"Keshin can be protective like that." Jumping at the voice, you turned to the owners of the voice.

Forming a fireball in your hands when you saw the two couples. A younger couple and an older one. They didn't seem surprised by your reaction. Instead, they gave you friendly smiles, that almost made you relax. They know Keshin, but you can't recall him talking about these people.

"Who are you?" You asked, earning a chuckle from most of them.

"Well dear, I'm Akari and this is my husband Hiroto." The elderly woman explained, moving closer to you, "We're Keshin's parents."

You briefly recall he mention his parents before. You've never met them before. Putting the fireball away, you bowed to them, before turning to the other couple.

"My name is Kenta and this is my wife Nozomi." The man introduced, "We were the ones who took care of Ronin while you and Keshin were.....busy."

Trying to push down your embarrassment at that, you bowed to them too, " It's nice to meet all of you. Sorry, for my reaction, but we've had a few close calls."

"It's understandable and you have a kit to protect." Nozomi assured you with a smile.

Smiling at them, you grimaced as the baby kicked again. Akari and Hiroto instantly rushed to your side as you tried to righten your position. Feeling Akari's hand on your stomach, you watched her curiously.

"The baby is going to be very strong. Maybe stronger than Keshin one day." She hummed, looking up at you, "How often does the baby kick?"

"It's more active today than it's ever been." You admitted, "I've been in that den for a long time though. I wanted to get some fresh air before Keshin got back from hunting."

"It could have waited until I returned." Jumping at the annoyed voice, you slowly looked over your shoulder.

Keshin was looking down at you with his arms crossed. He's made it perfectly clear that he didn't want you leaving the nest under almost any circumstances. He didn't want you to cook, clean, walk outside to gather herds. He didn't even want you to shift into your fox form. You understand being protective after his first wife died, but you hate feeling lazy and useless all because you're pregnant. You're a strong woman, who can still do things too.

"I needed air when you would barely even open a window in the den." You snapped, noticing his face fall as his ears went down.

He set the deer he was carrying down, before holding your stomach. You could see how tired he was. He ran to get Ronin, then went hunting, and came all the way back here. Not to mention he's been doing everything around the den since you built your nest. You almost feel a little bad about snapping at him.

"I'm sorry." You sighed, hugging him, "Things will have to chance when the baby gets here though."

"Understand." He nodded, giving you a quick kiss then rubbing your nose with his.

Seeing movement off to the side, you grinned when you saw Ronin, carrying a couple of rabbits. His eyes widened when he saw you; not even trying to hide that he was looking at your stomach. Almost instantly, he dropped the rabbits and ran to hug you. His tiny arms barely going around you. Patting his back was about the best you could do. It would hurt you too much to bend down to hug him back.

"I missed you, Mama!" He giggled, resting his head against your stomach, "You were right, Papa. I can feel the baby."

"The baby's been extra active today." You panted in more pain as the baby kicked harder.

Feeling Keshin wrap an arm around your waist, you leaned against him for support. Giving him a grateful smile, you yelped as there was a sharp pain in your stomach. Your eyes widening when you felt water rush down your leg.

"My water broke." You gasped, noticing everyone's eyes widen.

Everyone was still in shock for a second, before Keshin picked you up, "Mother, Nozomi, please help with the delivery." Keshin called, rushing you inside to the bedroom.

It was nearly a day of painful delivery. Ronin, Kinta, and Hiroto waited outside the bedroom. Keshin held your hand the whole time while encouraging you to continue. Akira and Nozomi were the best at helping you deliver the baby though. In the end though, you were happy when it was all over, and you were holding your little girl. You were exhausted beyond belief, but excited too. She had your hair color, but red markings and pale skin like Keshin.

"She's beautiful, like you. You did amazing, (Y/N)." Keshin praised, sitting by you while holding her, "Should we let the others in now to see her?"

Nodding tiredly, you adjusted yourself, so you were leaning against him more. The door opened, allowing the others in. Ronin being the first to reach you. His eyes widened as he climbed onto the bed and peered at his new sister. The others aweing and cooing at the sight of her.

"I'm a big brother now." Ronin cheered, leaning against you affectionately, making you know he wanted something, "Can I hold her?"

Nodding, you took the baby from Keshin and carefully handed her to Ronin, "Hold her head on your arm like this."

Giving him careful instructions, you kept your arms around him to help him when he needed it. A wide, excited smile on his face as he looked down at her. You figured that everyone else can have a turn when he's done. Feeling a kiss on your head, you smiled up at Keshin, who rested his head against yours.

"I love you so much." He whispered making you giggle, "I can't believe we already have a kid."

"I can." You made a point to give him an accusing look, that only made him laugh, "I love you too though."

"So, did you already decide on a name?" Hiroto called, making you and Keshin nod.

"Her name is Mirai." You announced.

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