Yandere Humanized Snowman

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This was requested by purplerzxn! Not going to lie, I've had several nightmares like this so, this one wasn't that bad. Thank you and enjoy! Warning, there is death in this one!

"(Y/N), come look!"  Grimacing at your little cousin's call, you sighed and went to the window. It was cold and snowing outside. There was no way you were going to leave a warm house to go out into the cold. Peering out the window, you hummed at the snowman they made.

"Wow, it looks good." You complimented, pausing when you noticed their pouts.

"You have to come outside to see." They encouraged pulling your arm in excitement.

"Guys, it's freezing out." Complaining, you tried to gently shake them off. Wincing as they all started chanting for you to go outside with them. It was getting to the point you couldn't even hear yourself think.

"Alright! Let me get a coat on." You grumbled grabbing your coat off the couch, where everyone else had put their own. With a normal family New Year's Eve party, there were easily a house full of family members. 

Slipping it and a scarf on, you followed them outside. Just a plain snowman, but the kids seemed excited for it.

"Wow, it's great guys. You did good." You exaggerated though they bought it.

"Yeah! We even found a necklace for it." One of them cheered lifting it from the snowman to show you. Studying the little glass snowman, you could have sworn you saw it glow, but when you blinked, it was gone.

"It's pretty." You agreed, deciding to humor them more, "He looks a little cold. Why don't we give him something to warm up? Maybe my scarf?"

That made all of them grin and nod, so you did. Wrapping it around the snowman before you shivered from the cold.

"He looks good. Now I'm going in for hot chocolate." You bragged rushing up the steps as the kids tried to race you inside.

-Time Skip 4 hours-

"It's almost new year's!" Smiling over at your aunt's announcement, you stretched. Knowing everyone, they're going to go outside to scream and welcome the new year. The kids went to bed almost as soon as they came in from the cold, though you noticed that on occasions they would sneak around to tiredly ask an adult something. Then the adults would go outside.

"(Y/N), it's your turn to check the snowman." Raising an eyebrow at your dad's request, you didn't think you heard him right.

"You said check on the snowman?" You repeated earning a head nod from him, "It's a snowman dad. I doubt anything is going to happen to it. Especially this late."

"It will make the kids happy." Your aunt sighed. Frowning and knowing you weren't going to win; you grabbed your coat and went out. Humming when you saw the other snowmen that were made. Each one having a feature that your other family members were associated with. One had a big carrot nose, like one of your uncles. One had glasses, similar to one of your aunts. Coming to a smaller one that looked like the head was going to roll off, you knelt down to fix it. Scrambling back when the snow fell apart as soon as you touched it. That wasn't what shocked you though. There was one of your little cousins in it. Eyes closed and skin as white as the snow, except for his ears and mouth, which were blue. You have to tell one of the adults. Going to rush in, you paused when you saw the same cousin waving at you from inside.

"It wasn't the plan for you to come out here yet." Shivering at the unfamiliar voice, you looked to the right to see the snowman your cousins made shuffling towards you. Only now, it's eyes and mouth were glowing blue, like the glass snowman necklace.

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