King Incubus

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This was requeated by Slasher_Whore_! The reader is a female Naga in this one. Thank you and enjoy!

Trying to suppress a yawn, you glanced around the throne room. There were royals from every race here with more coming in. You would think there would be a better way to create marriage proposals for royals, but with centuries or peace, this was the best the ancestors could come up with. A gathering or royals once every 100 years. However, it's the host, Cupid, entwines people's fates and therefore is the royal matchmaker.

"Look alive, (Y/N)." Your mother instructed, making you stand taller as you curtsied to a minotaur prince, "I swear it's like it's too cold in here for you."

"It very well could be, or this is taking too long." You hissed, forcing a smile as you bowed to another prince, "Besides, all these princes are the same."

Your mother sighed, as she shook her head, " Then maybe you should hope for a king. They say King Asmodeus of the Incubus clan is going to be here."

"Wow, married to a demon king of lust." You scoffed, feeling you (F/C) snake tail twitch in irritation, "Yes, because I want to be chained to a bed, beaten and bred with a demon child for a demon's amusement."

Hearing your mother's sigh, you bowed as Cupid approached, "Queen (M/N), Princess (Y/N), thank you for attending. The dancing will begin shortly."

"I hope so." Your mother hummed, putting a hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N) hasn't found a prince who she fancies."

Horrified that she would say that out loud, you glared at her, "Mother."

"It won't be long. Everyone should be here now." Cupid laughed, before walking off.

Sending her another glare, you turned to the doors as another group came in. Late, but that clearly didn't bother the red haired and black horned man. Neither did the fact that he was underdressed with just black pants on.  A wicked grin on his face as the crowd backed away from him and his black winged followers.

"King Asmodeus, you're late." Cupid sighed, earning a chuckle from the demon.

"Fashionably late as any demon should be." The demon scoffed, glancing around, "I see I haven't missed anything though. Continue on."

The crowd hesitated, but slowly returned to chatting and laughing. Wincing at the nudge from your mother, you glared at her while rubbing your arm. You know what she wants you to do and you're not about to cave into her wants. She seemed to get that, because she sighed before slithering over to the demon king. Apparently, she didn't hear you when you said you don't want to be married to a demon.

Slithering away from your spot, you went to the food table. The very last place people look is the far side of it. They tend to look directly at the food instead of across the table. Staying far from them, you glanced over at them. Your mother looked disappointed as she searched the crowd for you. Asmodeus was already staring directly at you. His red glowing eyes making you uncomfortable. You could practically see him scanning you before he smirked.

You definitely don't like that. Trying to slither away, you paused when you saw an elf prince standing in front of you. You can't remember his name, since you didn't bother learning half of them before you arrived.

"Princess (Y/N) may I have this dance?" He questioned holding a handout to you.

Backing away, you yelped as you backed into someone else, the minotaur prince, "I was going to ask first, Elderton."

"Then you two get in line, I was here first." The dragon King huffed, appearing on your other side.

This can't be happening. You had hoped you wouldn't attract anyone. Backing away towards the table, you tried not to sigh, when you realized you back into someone else again. This time, an arm wrapped around your waist from behind to prevent you from leaving.

"Not this time." Shivering at the voice, you tilted your head back to look at the person, "The fair (Y/N) is dancing with me."

King Asmodeus grinned at you before glaring at the elf, minotaur, and dragon. His black wing snapping out before he flew towards the ceiling. Out of instinct and fear, you wrapped your tail around him. Yelping as he spun you around to face him, yet he acted as if it was a dance. Meanwhile, you started clinging onto him for dear life. Probably because if he decides to drop you it could be the end of your life.

"Let's talk, Little Snake." He almost seemed to purr, making you flinch as you tried to think of a way to get out of this.

"Put on a shirt, then we'll talk." You huffed, looking away.

He would have to leave the party to do that which would give you plenty of time to escape. When he didn't fly towards the floor, you looked down in confusion.

"Now, let's really talk." Looking back at him, you saw he now had a dress shirt on, " I have magic like this, Little Snake."

"Of course, you do." You sighed shaking your head, "Look, your majesty, I'm not interested in anyone."

"As your mother told me." He hummed, pulling you closer as he spun in the air, "I have to say, it would be a shame to let your beauty go to waste."

"I'll manage my kingdom on my own. I don't need a prince or king to help me." You stated firmly, earning a grin from him."

"It's not about what you can do, Little Snake. It's about what you want emotionally and, more importantly, physically." He growled, pulling you even closer to lean towards your ear, "I have to say, what you're doing with you tail is really making me want you physically."

Shocked, you looked down at your tail to see it running up and down his lower leg. It was a habit you've had since you were a child to comfort yourself. Just moving your tail, a little. It's a habit you wished you would kick.

"No..that's not...I swear it's not," You stammered, not even able to finish your sentence before he pulled you into a kiss.

Only pulling away to trail kisses down your neck. You pray someone would notice that you're trying to push him away. To tell cupid to stop this demon. No one did though.

"You are seductively beautiful, Little Snake. Your mother was right about you being stubborn. " He growled, with his eyes now glowing red, "That will make this all the more fun, when I make you fall for me."

"I'm sorry, what?" You gasped; not sure you heard him right.

"You. Are. Mine." He smirked, as if he won a battle, "Let me tell you, we're going to do things that you had no idea where possible, Little Snake. It will slowly break you into accepting me."

"No. No way." You whimpered, yelping and hanging onto him as he flew down to hover before Cupid.

"Cupid, I chose this one as my wife." Asmodeus declared, making you shake your head.

Cupid looked between the two of you, almost like he was worried, "Incubus Kind, she refuses you, so I can't, out of good consciousness, wed you two."

"I see." Asmodeus huffed, before snapping his fingers.

Chaos erupted in the room. His demons attacking and killing anyone they could get their claws on. No one besides the demons were safe. It was a bloodbath. Even Cupid seemed horrified at the scene.

"Okay." He yelled, making all the demons go still, "King Asmodeus the Incubus has chosen Princess (Y/N) the Naga to be his bride. With my arrows, I unite them as one."

"No. I don't." You objected, but Asmodeus put a clawed hand over your mouth.

You only watched as Cupid grabbed one of his arrows and aimed it at you. Guilt on his face as he shot you. Permenately entwining your fate with Asmodeus's for life.

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