Yandere Changeling Pt 2

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This was requested by kitty-cat487! Thank you for the request! Enjoy! Warning there is violence in this one.

Grimacing as you accidentally cut your finger with the dagger, you sighed and ran it under the constant waterfall in the kitchen. It was a small one, but it works surprisingly well.

"(Y/N), you cut yourself again." Liri announced, "Can I have it?"

It was a question she always asked when you would hurt yourself. Alston had explained that should a changeling drink the blood of the human caring for them that their bond would be to death. You do not even remotely like the idea of being that close to her.

"No." You grumbled, wrapping a sticky red flower petal around the cut and going back to making food. It earned a pout from her, but that was about it. You couldn't even look at her after what she did to those girls. There were times where she would force you to look at her. Every time though, the memories would hit you and force you to pass out from shock. 

Alston has at least backed off some. He no longer punishes you when she tells on you. Not that you can do much wrong anyway. You have to spend most of your time in the kitchen cooking or cleaning the whole house. The don't even let you outside to see the fey realm.

Flinching when you felt her grab your arm, you focused intently on the food in front of you, "(Y/N), since I finished my breakfast, I'm going outside."

It will be one of the few times she actually leaves your side. Of course, she's not asking you. She's telling you as a warning for you to not escape. Nodding numbly, you hissed when the vines around your left leg tightened painfully. Another precaution she took to make sure you didn't escape.

"Come on Daddy." She cheered before you heard the door open and close. Even then you waited a couple second to make sure it was absolutely silent, before you let yourself cry. Isolation with those monsters forever was not how you wanted to live your life. What's worse is that it seems like you can always hear the screams of the girls Liri tortured before dragging you here. All you wanted was for this to stop. The screams, the isolation, the fear, you just wanted to be okay again.

Gasping at the hand on your shoulder, you snapped your head to see Alston watching you. It startled you enough that when you tried to back away, you tripped over the vines. Even when you fell, you still crawled back, away from him. There was a look of hurt and pity on his face, but you didn't trust him. It could be a trap for Liri to hurt you again. Noticing the real metal knife in his hand, you whimpered and closed your eyes when he moved it towards you. You only blinked your eyes open in surprise when the vines around your leg were cut free.

"I'm sorry, for everything." He grumbled, not looking at you while setting the knife down by you, "I didn't realize she would cause so many problems, but, I guess, considering her birth mother was a Dark Fairy, I should have known."

Staying quiet, you didn't even dare look like you were breathing. Still afraid that it was a trap of some kind. When he seemed to get that you were still afraid, he continued to speak.

"Listen, she's torturing more humans and fairies alike. She's becoming uncontrollable to where even I can't tell her what to do. The council has asked me to put her down, with your help."

"Why should I help you after everything you've done to me?" You whispered, "You've hurt me. Kept me prisoner here. I doubt I'll even be able to go home, will I?"

At your question, he shook his head, "You won't, but the council has agreed that should you help us, you will be treated as an equal to all fey here. Not just some human slave. You'll be able to leave this house at will and Liri will no long hurt any of us again. Believe me, you weren't the only one trapped by her. I've got her distracted by a decoy, but your decision has to be made now."

Noticing his frown, you almost felt pity for him. He was bound to her because she is his daughter. It didn't give him a right to treat you the way he did, but to be rid of her, you're willing to do anything now.

-Time Skip-

Hiding behind a bookshelf, you let out slow calm breaths. You for sure weren't going to hesitate. You were actually worried about Alston, surprisingly. He had given you a silver knife, though he burnt himself carrying it. He had said that this will kill her. You only hope he's right.

 Hearing Liri laughing on the other side of the door, you crouched down lower. Watching as the door opened and gasped.

"Dad? Wait, who's my real dad?" You don't know what she's talking about, nor do you care at the moment. Jumping out from your hiding spot, you dug the knife into her chest. She looked at you in horror before she screamed and shoved you away. Pulling the knife out and glaring at you while crying.

"I'm still not perfect enough for you, am I?" She yelled as the room seemed to grow hot, " Well, you are far from the perfect parent too. Then let's die together, (Y/N)."

You didn't expect for her to lunge at you with the knife or for Alston to move to protect you. Getting hit in the shoulder with the knife. She backed away almost like she couldn't believe what she had done. You took the chance to take the knife from him and tried to kill her again. This time earning another scream from her as the knife seemed to catch on fire. You lurched back from the heat and bright light. Relaxing slightly when you felt Alston wrap around you. At least he provided some protection.

Squinting your eyes open, you were relieved to find that Liri was gone. Nothing but a large scorch mark where she once stood. At the door though was another Alston. You figured this would be a trap of some kind. Crawling away from the Alston that was closer to you, they both seemed surprised by your reaction. The one at the door smiled before his started to change into a fairy you never saw before. Only he was smiling proudly at you and the real Alston.

"You two did great. The council owes you both a lot." He spoke, " With Liri gone, peace can be restored. You, (Y/N), are free to do as you wish. Alston, your place on the council has been saved. We will see you at the next meeting."

Watching him walk away, you glanced at Alston, who was healing his shoulder with magic. Looking over at you with a real grin.

"We did it." He laughed, standing and offering a hand to help you up, which you accepted.

"Yes, we did." You smiled at him, "So, what now?"

"Well, how about we get you out of here to look around?" He recommended holding his arm to you, "It has been a long time since you were brought here after all. I think I know of a great place for us to celebrate our victory and freedom."

Hesitating for a minute, you thought about it before locking arms with him. Trying to ignore the excited smile he gave you. It was almost hard to believe that the death of Liri changed him so much, but then again, you can already tell that you're changing from her death too.

New freedom, new life, and more happiness with her gone.

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