Yandere Tengu

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This was requested by MiscelllaneousFan! Thank you for the request!

Picking up another feather off the ground, you grinned as you twirled in between your fingers. Black at the base and shifting to a beautiful red at the top. You would recognize this feather anywhere. It belongs to a friend of yours. A tengu boy named Haru. Someone you've been close to though you don't see each other often. You always bring each other gifts though. You found him in a cave, wounded, when you were little. You took care of him and in exchange he gave you one of his feathers. You found that when he gave you one, it kept the other monsters away. Ever since, you've found them at random times.

 Tucking it into your pocked, you glanced up in time to see a black figure flying into the trees. Still smiling, you hurried home to tie it onto your necklace. You've found that these feathers are a type of good luck charm. Though they disappear after some time. 

Putting it around your neck, you couldn't help but feel more at ease. Jumping at the sound of the others in the village, you rushed out.

"We caught one!" following the others, you gasped as they seemed to have a man in a net on the town square stage. You couldn't see it properly, but when you saw a feather fall out, your eyes widened.

"Leave him alone!" You screamed, pushing your way through the crowd and jumping up on the stage. Pulling out your dagger, you cut the net from Haru. The man was bloodied and bruised but still alive. Giving him a gentle smile, you pulled the net off his wings.

"The tengu haven't attacked us for years." You snapped, "Why bother trapping this one?"

"Don't you know how rare catching a monster like this is? Get away from it." One of the men ordered grabbing your arm, almost painfully. Almost instantly, he was killed by a steal blade. One that you had pulled out.

"Do not lay a hand on me." You growled.

"Fine, we'll take what we originally got." As the second man reached for the tengu, you cut off his hand.

"Don't touch my friend." You hissed, keeping the blade pointed at him. You felt Haru tense by you, but didn't say anything.

"You're a monster lover then?" A woman called, making you glare over towards the crowd.

"So what if I am?" You snapped, "Is anyone going to fight me because of that?"

"Try the whole village." A man yelled from the crowd. It seemed like they all marched towards you at once. Before you could attack anyone though, Haru wrapped an arm around you and took off to the sky. You weren't alarmed though, since he had taken you flying many times before.

"That was pretty reckless of you." He chuckled, "Now you're not welcomed there. Where will you go?"

"Somewhere, but they were going to hurt you, so I don't care wither they live or die." You huffed, catching the smile from him. 

"Well, in that case. I've always wanted to do this." Feeling the wind pick up, you tried to cover your face, but paused when you saw a dark cloud rising from the mountain. On closer inspection, it was coming closer at a speed that you knew clouds don't normally travel at.

"Level the village and take the children." He screamed towards the blur. Now that it was there, you could see that it was maybe a hundred Tengu. Each one diving down the the village and tearing it apart. You could hear the screams, but that didn't bother you. It was like you were numb to their screams.

"Haru, why do you have that human?" Looking up at the larger tengu that hoovered in front of you, his position was clear. A high monks costume signaling that this one was their leader. At the sound of his leader, Haru pulled you closer to himself, if that was even possible.

"This human is mine. I'm taking them to keep them with me." He answered, though you noticed the cold tone in his voice. That earned a glare from the elder Tengu.

"No. Tengu can not have those relationships with humans." now confused, you looked up at Haru for an explanation. Only seeing his red, furious face as he pulled out a steal bladed fan.

"You will not take (Y/N) from me." He growled before the wind picked up. Not able to take the wind in your eyes, you burred your face in his shirt. Focusing on his warmth and the sound of their fight, until you felt the wind calm down. Looking around, you saw that the leader Tengu was falling. Wings partly torn off.

"Now that he's out of the way, why don't you come live with me?" He offered, making you frown.

"What did he mean by those kinds of relationships?" You asked, not letting it escape from your mind. Seems the question startled him, because he stopped flying for a second. Letting you two drop until he regained his surroundings.

"Well, it's nothing for you to worry about, since you only see me as a friend." He coughed, but smirked at you.

"I really want to know." You pouted, earning a chuckled from him.

"Am I only a friend to you?" He questioned, making your face turn as red as his. 

"I would think after killing humans to save you that would be enough of an answer." You mumbled, "But, um, I like you as more."

"I feel the same." He laughed, nuzzling your nose with his affectionately, "That's why I'm taking you to my home, so we can live together. You won't have to get your hands dirty for my sake. Now since I'm in charge, no one is going to question why I have you with me at all times."

"Oh?" You smirked, deciding to tease him a little, "What if someone tries to start a rebellion? Will you fight your whole clan?"

"If I have to." He smirked, "They'll follow their old leader to the grave."

"Um, I kind of like that idea." You giggled.

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