Vampire and werewolf: Hybrid

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Every time you move it hurts. If you're dead, you're not supposed to hurt, right? Hearing voices to your right, you turned your head towards them. Managing to blink your eyes open. Samuel and Rownan were talking to another vampire and werewolf. They shouldn't be in the base. You're not safe now.

Trying to stay quiet as you sat up, you sucked in a breath as pain bust through your stomach. Gaining everyone's attention. Wide grins spreading on their faces before the boys raced to your side. Both of them practically tackling you back to the bed as they hugged you.

"You're actually alive." Rownan gasped, almost sounding like he was going to cry.

"Not if you both keep squeezing me." You wheezed, gasping for air when they loosened their arms.

Both of them, backed up a little, but stayed right by your side so you sat up while leaning against them. You had to admit that with them there, the pain in your stomach wasn't as bad.

"(Y/N), how do you feel?" Samuel questioned, for once dropping his flirty behavior.

You opened your mouth to speak but winced at the sharp pain of hunger that hit you. That's new to you. Your eyes widened as you smelt something deliciously sweet. Sniffing again, your attention went to Rownan. His ears pinning back in concern, but his tail wagged. You could hear his heartbeat speeding up. The smell was coming from him, like he was made of food.

"Hungry." You purred, leaning up to his neck.

He didn't move, even though you could tell he was scared. Hearing the clinking of a rolling cart, you forced yourself to look away. An even better smell coming from it. There were at least 10 glasses of a sweet-smelling liquid. The vampire that they were talking to earlier was pushing it to the side of the bed.

"We're surprised your alive, with your unique circumstances." The vampire explained, holding a glass out to you, before bowing and leaving.

Immediately accepting it, you downed it with no hesitation. Reaching for another glass just before you finished your first one. It stalled your hunger though.

"What circumstance?" You asked, looking between the boys, before remembering what happened, "What about the witch."

"In captivity." Samuel answered, kissing your hand, "Well, there was a lot of miscommunications when you were down."

"Miscommunication? You refused to listen when I told you she would be fine." Rownan accused, making Samuel sigh.

"The point is." Samuel spoke firmly to cut him off, "Rownan bit you and I swapped blood with you."

"That...that shouldn't be possible." You gasped, taking another cup, " So, am I just a hybrid and I can assume that I've been drinking blood?"

"That's right." Samuel answered, the grabbed your hand tightly with a grin, "You were going to drink poor Rownan dry."

Shocked, you looked at Rownan, "Why didn't you stop me if you knew?"

He seemed to hesitate for a second before looking down, "You were hungry. If you wanted to drink my blood, I would let you. Only you though."

Letting out a breath, you finished your last drink. The hunger pain finally subsiding. This seems like a lot to process. You lost your father, you nearly died, both boys turned you so you're a hybrid, and the witch was captured. You're tempted to go back to sleep just to process it all. Blinking when you felt Samuel turn your face to him. You were going to ask him what he wanted but froze when he licked the corner of your lips. A smirk on his face as your stunned expression.

"You had some blood on the corner of your lips." He grinned, then kissed you, "Got a little more."

Stunned, you could only stare at him before looking up at Rownan. Your eyes widening when he kissed you too. A grin on his face as he pulled away.

"Don't worry. We won't let anything like what that witch did, happen to you again, Little Mate." He hummed, as they pulled you into a hug.

"Mate?" You chocked out, "Since when?"

"When I turned you into a werewolf." He answered.

"When you became a vampire." Samuel grinned, "We're both yours."

Shocked, you opened your mouth to protest, but closed it not sure what exactly what to say. You're sure they will have a counter argument for everything you say, and it will be logical. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you managed to wiggle out from between them and off the bed. 

Yelping when you felt a pull on you. Swirling around, you saw them giving you a teasing smile. Your eyes going behind you to where you saw you now had a tail.

"Definitely the cutest little hybrid." Samuel purred, as Rownan nodded.

"I hate you both." You shrieked, turning away to hide your pout.

It's not like you hate them, but their teasing is embarrassing. Not to mention, they just confirmed that you have two mates now, who clearly are infatuated with you. You told them both before that you weren't interested in them, but clearly a lot has changed since then. You have to admit that you liked them too.

"Sure, you do." Rownan hummed, as they moved to stand on either side of you, "So, feel like talking to that which now."

"Yes." You huffed, following Samuel as he led the way. 

You passed vampires and werewolves as you walked the halls. You've never seen them all together like this. Usually, they fight and only fight each other. Now they were all friendly with each other.

"Your father helped every vampire and werewolf here." Samuel called back as if he could tell you were confused, "When they heard that you were in trouble, they all agreed to gather here to make a plan to catch the witch. To repay your father."

Nodding, you frowned as he led you and Rownan down some steps. You couldn't hear anything besides rattling chains. Sounds like this must be a dungeon. Stopping when Samuel did, you turned to the cell. The witch had a strait jacket on with chains wrapped around her to tie her to a chair. A muzzle over her mouth, but you could still see her sadistic grin when she looked up at you.

"So, your little pets turned you to keep you alive." She hummed, as Rownan unlocked the cell, "I have to say, I almost regret fighting with you."

Staying quiet, you looked down at her. Wanting to figure out why she killed your father. To learn why she hurt so many people? When you looked in her eyes, you understood though. She did it because she wanted to. She didn't have a real reason. Just for fun and she doesn't regret it.

"Not going to ask anything?" She giggled, "You don't know my reason."

"You don't have one. You're just evil." You sighed, looking down at your hand when you felt a cold metal against it.

Rownan giving you a nod as he pressed the handle of the dagger into your hand. Accepting it from him, you looked back at the witch. The monster that killed your father. You didn't even get to say goodbye. Holding back tears, you killed her. Cutting her head off so the magic line between the heart and brain would be broken. 

Still trying to hold back tears, you turned to the guys. Both looking upsets. Your father trained them, so you understand they would be sad too.

"You should get some more rest." Rownan finally whispered, making you yelp as he picked you up, "We'll stay with you until you're completely healed."

Nodding, you relaxed when you felt Samuel come over and rest his head on yours.

"I told you before, Little Mate. We won't let you die before me."

Monsters x Reader one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin