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Hiding behind a tree, you tried to crouch down so you would be harder to find. All you wanted to do was hunt for dinner tonight. You didn't think you went that far from the cabin, but apparently you had. Hearing the bells, you knew he was getting closer. He's for sure going to find you here. Sprinting from you obvious hiding spot, you glanced behind you to see if you could see how close he was. You could see the deer right there, almost flying at you head. Screaming, you fell to the ground. Trying to keep your face out of the snow as you covered the back of your head. Looking up when you heard the deer land, you glared at the man in the red suit.

"Santa, why are you chasing me?" You sighed standing and dusting the snow off yourself, "You almost turned me into ,(Y/N) got ran over by a reindeer."

"Still have that sense of humor." He laughed, "It's time to go home though. Back to your family."

Raising an eyebrow, you had no idea what he was referring to, considering he doesn't know where you live, now. You didn't want to go back to your family due to how cruel they were to you.

"Absolutely not." You growled, "I'm happy where I am and I'm never going back."

"(Y/N), you can't seriously still think staying with that, that."

"What, Saint Nick?" Hearing the deep voice of your boyfriend, you relaxed as you turned to him, "Go on an continue. I would love to hear what you have to call me."

"Krampus." Santa grumbled, "You can't keep this poor girl kidnapped from her family."

That got a groan from Krampus as his goat hooves stamped on the ground in annoyance. His red eyes glaring at Santa.

"We go through this every year." He practically yelled, "(Y/N), is with me by choice."

"A normal human girl with a dark entity like you? I don't believe it." Santa huffed taking a cookie out of his coat pocket, "Here (Y/N), this will break whatever evil spell he put you under."

Rolling your eyes, you took the cookie and took a bite of it. Your eyes widening as soon as you ate you.

"You're right, I do feel something," You gasped, smirking as you grabbed Krampus's coat and pulled him down into a kiss. Surprising both Santa and Krampus, though Krampus didn't seem to mind as much as Santa.

A large grin on your face as you let him go, "Unquestionable love for Krampus."

Noticing his red face, you wrapped his arm around yourself, while turning to Santa, who still looked absolutely stunned. Finally, his shoulders slumped as he gave up.

"Very well." He sighed, "I will be on my way then." 

Watching him take off in his sled, you hugged Krampus tightly. Nuzzling your face into his warm coat.

"Why does he hate you so much?" You questioned.

"It could be a number of things. The fact that I punish rather than reward kids. That I'm younger and better looking than him." Scanning him, you had to agree. He's could easily pass for his early 20, with his black hair and no wrinkles, unlike Santa. In fact he's the exact opposite of Santa so it would make since for them to hate each other.

"Well, I suppose that's what makes you Krampus." You agreed, wrapping around his arm for more warmth, "Now let's go home. I need to check on the stew and get some meat on the way."

"Don't worry about the meat. I already got it." He promised, with a mischievous smirk. Feeling your mouth drop open in shock, you almost didn't want to know what me meant by that.

"What did you do?" You sighed, but smiled.

"Let's say Santa is going to need Rudolf to have his eight reindeer for Christmas."

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