Yandere Angel pt 2

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This was asked for by Firefoxpop2468! It's from my first yandere angel, in case you need to go back to remember it! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Running as fast as you could, you ducked into the church. Going into a holy place must show that you're not full of sin. Surely the angels chasing you would take that as a sign. Hiding under the seats, you winced when you heard the hard bang against the door. Apparently, this being a church doesn't mean anything to them. There are too many for you to handle. Mentally sighing, you pulled the white and gold feather from your pocket. Blowing on it as you heard the door break.

Biting down a scream as a strong wind blew, you realized that all the benches had been thrown to the far side of the room. Leaving plenty of space for angels to circle you. Their leader, a gold white winged angel studying you in clear curiosity.

"You're different." He hummed, "I will make this painless."

Closing your eyes as you saw his sword raised, you knew you were going to die. That was until there was a loud gun shot. Peeking your eyes open, you looked up at Sariel. He had a pistol in each hand as he stood protectively in front of you. Pure fury and rage on his face.

"None of you are going to touch (Y/N)." he roared, "I dare any of you to try."

Considering there was at least 20 angels, it wasn't a surprise that they did challenge him. Not that you could see very well. His gold and white wings seemed to surround you as if he made them cover you. All you heard were the shots from his gun. It's not the first time he's killed his own kind to save you. Considering you've asked him for help a couple of times, you're not surprised. You still don't like him though.

Hearing everything go quiet, you looked around as his wings unfolded from around you. There were bodies all around, with a blanket of feathers covering them.

"Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling in front of you and pulling you into a hug.

"I'm fine." You grumbled, tensing when you felt him kiss you.

His arms wrapped tightly around you as he seemed to shake. He almost seemed afraid. That might have been more than he thought would be after you. It could be that killing his fellow angels is finally getting to him.

"Your soul is warm." He sighed, finally seeming to calm down, "I love this warmth you have. It's even better in your human body."

"You can tell?" you asked, feeling his head nod as he rested against your shoulder.

"Do you know why I'm keeping you alive rather than becoming an angel like me?" You shook you head, "Because I can tell that with your soul, you will become a higher-ranking angel than me. I'll lose you in life and in death. You'll be out of my reach."

"I'm not you're." You grumbled, pulling away and standing.

"Yes, you are." He fought back making you roll your eyes.

Heading out of the church, your eyes widened as you suddenly felt pain in your stomach. An angel stood before you with a small smile of victory on his face. That lasted only a second before he fell back from a gunshot. Looking down at the sword in your stomach, you crumpled to the ground. Looking up at Sariel as he cradled you against him. Tears streaming down his face. You could see he was calling your name, but you couldn't hear him. You saw him kiss you, yet you didn't feel him.

Seeing a light above you and a hand reaching through it, you grabbed it. Wincing against the bright light until your eyes adjusted to it. A man with gold wings smiled at you as if to greet you.

"We've been waiting for you, (Y/N)." He chuckled, "Your soul is even more magnificent than we thought. Just look at those wings."

Looking over your shoulder, you gasped as the white wings sprouting from your back. Taking a glance around, you saw that there was a light fog everywhere, but it was comforting. There were other angels calmly walking around. Laughing as if there wasn't a war going on. The air smelled sweet, like fresh cookies. You were in heaven.

"Who are you?" You asked that, earning a laugh from the man.

"I am the Archangel Michel." He greeted, before you heard angels screaming. 

Looking around, your eyes fell to a large, closed gold gate that was shaking. It was as if a furious wild animal was trying to break out, or in.

"What is that?" You gasped, stepping back in fear. 

Michel didn't even look worried though. Even when the gate broke, and a furious Sariel flew in. His yellow eyes scanning the area until they landed on you. Now you could see there was a disgusting looking black marking running along his body.

"(Y/N)." he called, flying towards you. 

He almost had you in his arms, until he was pinned down by two other angels with gold wings. Archangels too, if you had to guess.

"Sariel, you have turned to sin." Michel growled, "You've fallen for the flesh of man, killed your brethren. How do you plead?"

Sariel didn't say anything but looked as if he was ready to kill anyone. Your eyes widened as Michel grabbed a sword of fire. He swung down at Sariel's wings, making you look away.  Sariel screamed out in clear pain.

"You have fallen. There is no redemption for you." Michel decided, before you felt a strong wind.

It was strong enough that you're sure that if you hadn't planted your feet, you would have been blown away. Your eyes widened though when you saw that Sariel was fighting against it. His arms latching around you before he pulled you. Forcing you to lose your footing.

"No. Michel, stop." You screamed as you lost your footing.

Being blown through the gate by the strong wind. Michel's look of devastation was the last thing you saw before you saw clouds above you. Tensing for pain, you grunted when you felt the ground. Sariel might have been under you, but he wasn't soft to land on.

"What did you do?" You screamed standing and backing away from him.

"What I had to for us." He groaned, standing and grabbing your arm, "We have to take care of this. If I can't go back, then you can't leave me." 

Confused at what he meant, you screamed as you felt pain on your back. Looking over your shoulder, you saw that he had broken your wings in an unnatural angle. He didn't look bothered by it as he wrapped his arms around you as if to comfort you.

"We're going to be fine. We'll find a sword to perinatally cut your wings like mine." He explained, "We don't need heaven anyway."

"You're the one who fell. You didn't have to force me to go with you." You screamed, trying not to groan in pain.

"I fell for you, "He growled, making you look up at him, "If I'm going to be banished for eternity for you, then I'm keeping you with me. As it should always be."

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