Orc pt 2

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Glaring at Yambul, you shuffled away when he climbed onto the horse behind you. Not that you could move far, considering your legs and ands were still tied up. Behind him, you could hear the other orcs getting ready to leave too. You had spent most of the night trying to at least choke him in his sleep with the ropes around your wrists. It never worked though. 

"You are oddly quiet, Little Tusk Taker." He remarked making you scoff.

"Really? You don't say?" You growled, glaring at him when he wrapped an arm around you, "I suppose being a prisoner does that to people."

"I've heard humans use sarcasm; I'm going to assume that's what you were just using." He sighed, "You look tired though. Sleep until we get to the main camp."

"You don't tell me what to do." You snapped, blinking at the fruit he held out to you.

"I know and when you calm down to accepting our marriage, you'll have equal freedom as me." He explained, "Until then eat."

Feeling your stomach growl, you accepted the fruit from him and ate. Surprised that it tasted really good. Nice, sweet, and juicy. Somehow it made this situation a little more bearable. Feeling your strength suddenly leave, you understood what he gave you.  Glaring up at him with blurry vision, the last thing you saw was his smile before you passed out.

Stretching, you opened your eyes. You were lying in a bed, covered in furs. Very comfortable, but when you remembered that Yambul tricked you into eating some fruit to make you fall asleep. What's worse is that you were stupid enough to fall for it. Realizing that your hands and legs were free, you climbed out of the bed. Finding your sword and tusk necklace, you put them on before leaving the tent. Tensing slightly at all the orcs you saw. You expected this from an orc camp though.

"(Y/N), I'm glad you are awake." Turning to Yambul as he walked up, you saw two other orcs behind him.

His father and mother you guessed. When Yambul was close enough to you though, you punched him as hard as you could. It didn't seem to affect him much. Just made him stumble a little with surprise on his face.

"You drugged me?" You screamed, "I told you that I wasn't going to sleep, and you did that?"

"You were angry from lack of sleep and hunger. That solved both problems." He sighed, but gave you a small smile, "What's good is that we've finally made an agreement with the human King."

"An agreement?" You scoffed, knowing that after all these years of killing, there was no way the King would just end it until all the orcs are dead.

"Yes." His father explained, holding out a piece of paper, "To show our agreement, a trade was made. Four orcs for the notorious Tusk Taker."

Snatching the paper from him, you quickly read over it. Feeling your throat tighten when you saw he was right. After everything you've done for them. All the orcs you've killed, dealing with all the idiots they told you to. They just cast you to the side as if you didn't do anything for them. Your own kind pushed you away. Feeling tears form, you pushed the paper to Yambul harshly before storming off.

"Where are you going?" He asked, following you.

"For a walk." You snapped, "Don't follow me."

"So, you're escaping. You can't leave because of the agreement." He remined you, just making you more furious.

Screaming in frustration, you took your sword off and tossed it to him. Right now, you don't care that you're basically a prisoner. You care that your own kind would do this to you. You just want to be alone.

"There, now I have a reason to come back. Leave me alone!" You yelled, running off into the woods.

Once you were far enough away, you finally cried. You're alone so it's not like your enemies will see how weak you are now. Sitting down, you leaned against a tree. You always had to look out for yourself ever since your family died. No one ever looked out for you, and you never expected anyone to. No one owes you just like you don't owe anyone anything. What makes that stupid king think he can use you like a peace treaty ticket? What hurts the most is knowing that you really have nowhere to belong. Not with the human, certainly not with the orcs, or any other race. You don't even have a family. You're completely alone. 

Holding your breath, you attempted to stop crying. You don't know how long you've been out here, but you're sure Yambul would send a search party soon. Wiping your eyes, you stood to go back. Tensing when you heard the loud growl. A large Direwolf was stalking towards you. Pacing nearby as if it was debating on attacking you. When it lunged at you, there was barely any time for you to dodge it.

"(Y/N), get back!" Doing as ordered, your eyes widened when Yambul tackled the Direwolf away.

Putting it in a headlock while someone else picked you up on their shoulders and started running. The last you saw of Yambul, the Direwolf escaped his lock and lunged at his shoulder. Turning, you attempted to look at the orc with you. Finding his mother, running. She only put you down when she stopped.

"Are you okay?" She asked turning your head and arms to check for wounds.

Surprising you considering she's an orc, "I'm fine. Why are you so worried?"

"You make my son happy." She explained with a smile while grabbing your hands with both of hers and making eye contact with you, "My son has not been happy nor excited for anything until he saw you for the first time. He came to us in secret when the Old Chief ruled. He told us about you. After a few years, he went back to being neutral. Until he saw you again. Where have you been hiding this whole time?"

Tensing slightly when her eyes started to glow green, you took another look at her. The marking on her face showing that she was a shaman of the tribe. She's already using her magic on you, but you don't feel anything. Pity crossed her face as she almost looked like she was going to cry. You didn't understand until she pulled you into a hug. It wasn't hard like you expected orcs hug to be, but it was oddly comforting. It was warm and made you feel safe. It reminded you of your own mother before she died. Actually, you don't think you've had a hug since then.

"I'm sorry, Little One." She whispered, which broke you into crying again, "You are safe here now. Yambul, Trogan, and I will make sure of it. Welcome to our family and clan."

Sniffling, you nodded against her, looking behind her when you heard something approaching. Yambul and his father, were carrying the dead Direwolf between them. Yambul looking worried at you as his mother let you go and approached them. They spoke in their native language, so you didn't understand. Choosing to ignore them for now, you leaned against the closest tree and wiped your eyes.

"Are you okay?" Looking up at Yambul, you glanced around him to see that his parents were gone with the wolf.

You nodded before looking at his shoulder which had a large bite on it. One that he got protecting you. Despite everything, it made you feel bad. Especially, when he's the first person to ever save you. You want to thank him or ask if he's okay, but the words would get stuck in your throat. He seemed to understand, because he smiled and pulled you into a hug.

"I understand, Little Tusk Taker." He assured you, making you frown.

"Yambul, why did you save me?" You asked, finally finding your voice, "I've tried to kill your multiple times. Why would you save someone who does that?"

"I would only do that for you." He admitted, pushing you away, but keeping a grip on your shoulders, "Only because I love you. You can't become my wife if you're dead."

"You're still stuck on that?" You sighed, though he nodded.

"Yes. I know humans courting is much slower than orcs, so I will wait until you accept me and are ready. We will go however you want. I believe first is dinner with the parents and gifts. We will have dinner with mine tonight and I will give you black dragon armor like mine."

"That's going to take years and I'm sure the other orcs are going to want to kill me, like you said last night." You reminded him.

"I am aware." He agreed, grabbing your hand, "I won't let them touch you and I will wait as long as you wish."

"Then, this might not be as bad as I thought. You can thank your mother for that though." You huffed but looked up when he chuckled.

A content smile on his face as he looked at you, "Of course. For now, let's return to help with dinner."

Giving him a nod, you let him lead the way back to the orc camp.

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