Yandere Elf Hunter

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This was requested byRedwolf878! So, in this story the reader is actually a Huldra and a female. Enjoy!

Hearing the giggles of your sisters, you stepped out of your cabin to see them walking by with excitement. Silent whispers passing between all of them. That's pretty odd for them, considering half of them don't get along with each other.

"What's going on?" You asked stepping closer to them.

"Elder sister (Y/N), it's finally happening." Anio cheered grabbing your hands and bouncing, "The March of Men."

Oh, that's what this is about. With the other races dwindling numbers every year, they gather all the elidable men to walk them through the four kingdoms. The Fey, Elves, Human, and Dragons all agreed on it. They realized that the thought of having only pure bloods was no longer an option if they all wanted to remain. Creatures such as yourself, no longer cared. All Huldras were female after all. If you managed to get a man great, if not so what. It's not like you want to end up like elder sister Elea. 

"Okay, have fun." You yawned moving to head back in but yelped as you were pulled back by two of your younger sisters.

"You went last year. Tell us about it." younger sister Filippa pleaded from your right. Glancing at the other girls you noticed that they all looked excited and hopeful. They each want a man, for whatever reason you didn't know.

"It's not like I went by choice." You sighed, "I'll tell you though. We remained in the tree line with the other forest creatures. The men marched by and that was it. Nothing to it. A few looked towards us, but that was it."

You immediately saw the annoyance on all their faces before they started to speak over each other., "Surely that's not it. Something must have happened. How many men followed you back?"

"Young ones, enough." You ordered making them all go silent, "You all know I don't care to have a husband. Not after what happens when we marry. I'm not going to stop you if you want to go. If you insist you should leave now."

They all let out little grumbles and some even glared at you, but they left. Shaking your head with a sigh, you decided that since you were already out, you might as well, go pick some food. Grabbing the basket from the porch, you left. Passing a cabin, where a human man and an old woman sat. The man looked miserable, while the woman gave you a wide one tooth grin.

"Hello younger sister (Y/N)." The old woman greeted waving a long-nailed hand at you.

"Evening Elder sister Elea, Robert." The man only let out a hum. You could feel him watching you closely, which bother you quite a bit. All of your elder sisters' husbands would look at you with want, mainly because you were still beautiful. At one point, Robert truly did love your sister Elea, but after marriage, Huldras lose their beauty. Turning into disgusting old women. Though they gain nearly unimaginable strength. That's the price for marriage. Beauty traded for strength. You would rather stay single than end up unloved like Elea.

Making it to the river, you began picking random edible fruits and herbs. Not really paying attention to where you were going besides staying close to the water. Then there was the sound of moving metal and pain piercing your leg. Making you scream while dropping to the ground. The only thing you could focus on was the pain, to the point where you didn't even hear anyone coming, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"There you are." A guy sighed, "I didn't think this bear trap would catch you. I was trying to catch the bear around here."

Blinking at him through your tears, you noticed the elf watching you with surprise, yet excitement. From the way he's talking he put this here, but right now, he's the only one here who can help you.

"Please, take it off." You sobbed, taking deep breaths in hope to take your mind off the pain.

"Hm, I don't know." The answer was not what you were expecting, "I've searched almost a whole year for you. Since last year's March of Men. I'm not just going to waste this chance. Swear that you'll come live with me, and I'll get that off you."

Feeling your mouth drop open, you didn't know what to say. He's really using your pain to bargain with you. The thought made you sick.

"I think I'll just keep it. It's a nice leg accessory after all." You hissed with sarcasm, "There was no reason for this bear trap."

"You're a hard one to catch (Y/N)." He chuckled, "I found your groups little area about a month ago. When I saw you were the only Huldra your age who wasn't married, I knew why. What I hated though was the way your sisters' husbands looked at you. I know that it won't be safe for you there for very long. That's why I'm telling you that you should come with me. You will live comfortably and since elves don't believe in the human's god, your little curse won't work."

Pausing at the fact her knew your name, you shook your head to think about his bargain. At least he's offering to keep you from turning into an ugly, old hag. You could hear it in his voice that there's no way he's going to just let anyone near you. 

Making your decision you nodded, earning a wide smile from him, "I promise to go with you."

"Okay. Now hold on a minute." Not looking at the trap, you kept your eyes on the water, until you felt the trap ease from your leg, the pain lessening a lot, "Now once we get back to the elven kingdom, I'll bandage your leg. My hut is just on the boarder. Not too far from here."

Nodding, you tensed a little when he picked you up, "You haven't told me your name yet." 

"Oh right, my name is Balin." He chuckled, pulling you into a hug, "I'm glad to finally have you, (Y/N). "

Normally if anyone tried to hug you, it wouldn't take long for you to pull away. Balin's hug was oddly comforting and warm though. You would have forgotten all your worries and struggles, if you hadn't heard a scream coming from the direction of your home.

"What's happening?" You questioned looking over his shoulder. He didn't look back to even fake a check though.

"Sounds like the March of Men finally found the Huldra camp." He hummed, though didn't sound like he cared, "They've been looking longer than I had. Several men became obsessed with finding it. They must have succeeded this time."

"Can you help them?" You questioned, lightly moving his bow to remind him that he did have the weapon to help your sister.

"I don't care about them." He pointed out, "I've got what I want. No man is going to get you and I was never interested in your sisters. You won't see them again anyway, so don't worry about them."

Frowning, you knew he was right. The best you can do, for yourself, is hope that he'll treat you okay.

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