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This was asked for by Kenzie 17! Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!

Sighing as you stretched your neck, you closed your book. Taking a look around the library, you saw only a few others inside. Grabbing your microphone, you heard the overhead speaker turn on.

"Attention everyone, the library is closing. Please bring up any books you wish to check out." You called, watching as a werewolf, fairy, and a vampire got in line. You've done this job so many times that it took you no time to check their books out. Except for the vampire, who just so happened to be your best friend.

"Are you sure you can't stay open for a little long for me?" Michel pleaded, as you handed him the book.

"I'm pretty sure, unless you want to be locked in here alone?" You scoffed, moving to the door with him.

"I would rather be locked in with you though." He grumbled, with a smile, "We could make a fort out of the books and stay up all night reading." 

"Until my boss comes in to see the mess and fires me." You continued, already knowing he was going walk you to your place to protect you, "Besides, I have my nieces coming over tomorrow."

"You get the little ones?" He gasped, grabbing your hand excitedly, "Can I come over tomorrow?"

Laughing, you pulled your hands away. He's always sworn that in the hundreds of years he's been alive he's never cared about children. Apparently, your nieces changed his mind. He adores them as much as they do him. It's safe to say that he's almost as overly protective of them as he is of you.

"Fine, I'll try to see if they can stay the night then." You grinned looking around at the restaurants you passed, "Do you want to eat here?"

"We can just pick it up and walk, can't we?" He groaned, leaning against you dramatically, "I don't want to deal with these annoying people."

"Yet, you somehow tolerate me." You scoffed, going in and ordering the food you normally get there.

Handing him his blood drink, you kept your food in your bag to eat at your apartment. Looking around, you could see that there were more supernatural creatures out than normal. Usually that's not an issue for you, but it's a full moon and you've heard stories about humans being attacked during that time. Grabbing his arm for comfort, you moved a little closer to him when you saw other vampires slowly moving closer. Feeling a lot better when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Hey, you've got me, remember?" He chuckled softly, "You don't have any reason to be afraid of anything."

You know he's right. He's always told you that he was so old that the Mesopotamians and other cultures worshiped him as a god. That his name has changed from Osiris to Dracula and to others. That all vampires know who he is and fear him. Feeling him wrap his jacket around you then put his arm around you again, you glanced at the tattoo on his arm. A red blood drop with a V on it. Seeing the tattoo, the other vampires seemed to back away.

"See?" He hummed, "Safe and sound."

"I guess." You chuckled, happy when you reached your apartment, "So, should we try to go get ice cream and go to the light festival at the park tomorrow with the girls?"

"That sounds fun." He agreed, though the look on his face said he wasn't really listening.

Raising an eyebrow at that, you unlocked your door, "Night then, Michel. See you tomorrow night."

Going in, you were about to shut the door, but he put his hand on it to stop it from closing. You couldn't read the look on his face, but you knew he had something on his mind. He's rarely been this serious around you.

"(Y/N), can I stay the night?" He almost sounded like he was pleading, "I just... I want to spend more time with you."

"Oh sure." You grinned opening the door for him, "If you want, we can watch a movie or play a game. You decide while I get put my food on a plate."

You expected him to go look at your games, but instead he followed you to the kitchen. Glancing at him, occasionally, as you fixed your food, you frowned. He was just staring at you as if he was debating something. It was really starting to worry you. Sighing in slight annoyance, you turned to him.

"Are you okay?" You asked, "You seem worried about something. I've never seen you like this."

He hesitated before looking up at you, "I want to say something, but I'm worried about what you'll say or what could happen."

"Hey, I promised I won't ever judge you." You reminded him, grabbing his hands, "You can tell me."

He studied you, then took in a deep breath, "I..I love you. I have for thousands of years. Every time you were reincarnated, fate would bring us together and I would fall in love with you all over again."

Sucking in a gasp, you didn't know what to say. You've never really thought about having past lives, but now you definitely were. What were you like in you past lives? Were you friends with him or was his love one sided. Did you ever marry him in a past life? Whatever happened the last time, was clearly bad, because he almost looked like he was going to cry. Something you've never seen him do.

"Did you always tell me in the past?" You asked earning a head shake from him.

"I didn't tell you when you were a nun to a church. You would have reported me. Other times, I would tell you, but it was always a toss on what you would say. You either loved me or only saw me as a friend." He whispered with a faint sad smile, "Some lifetimes, if you loved me, you were treated as a goddess married to a god. Other times, we had to hide from society so they wouldn't kill us."

"Wow, such a difference." You chuckled, though he still looked sad, "What made you hesitate to tell me?"

"Last time I loved you, it didn't end well." He whimpered, starting to close down as he cried a little.

Putting a comforting hand on his cheek, you waited for him to calm down. Whatever happened must have been really bad. Watching him try to calm down, you listened carefully when he spoke again.

"You accepted me last time. We almost got married. It was during the Salem Witch Trials though." He explained, "The people found out I was a vampire one night when I was drinking blood from one of their livestock. We tried to run, but you were caught and sentenced as a witch for loving me. I wanted to save you, but the church put up barriers to keep me away. I had to watch them burn you from afar. It's why I'm so protective of you now."

Watching him cry, you did the only thing you could think of. You hugged him tightly, which he returned. Sobbing against you as you rubbed his back to comfort him. You couldn't help but to cry a little too. Your last life ended horribly. However, if Michel was in it, you know you were happy.

"Things are different now." You reminded him, gently, "All species are accepted. No one is killed for being witches, vampires, or anything else. I love you too and this time, I'm not going anywhere."

Feeling him pull away, you gave him a reassuring smile, which seemed to put him at ease. Then you leaned up to kiss him. Ignoring the iron taste of his drink, you were happy when he kissed back.

"You mean it?" He asked, as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Absolutely. I love you." You chuckled, squeaking as he picked you up and set you on the counter.

Kissing you against, eagerly, "I've waited hundreds of years to hear you say that to me again. I'll spend the rest of your life showing you how much I love you. Starting tonight, with kisses and endless cuddles."

"I have to sleep at some point." You pouted, earning a laugh from him as he pecked your lips again.

"Then I'll settle for cuddles when you sleep, because I'm not going to let you go again."

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