Werehyena x Female reader

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This was requested by LadyThylacine. I hope you like it! :D

"Everyone, back away." Hearing the screams of the local hunters, you obeyed, but still stood with the others who stood in a crowd to see what was going on. With you being an environmental scientist and a foreigner, you could easily see over the villagers. Giving you a clear look at the creature the hunters were bringing in. The creature was hairy all over with spots in random areas. It walked like a human though and seemed to wear some kind of animal skull like a necklace. When the others saw it, you realized that they were whispering. Something about "Bouda" from what you could hear.

"Excuse me, what is that thing?" You questioned tapping a woman on her shoulder. She looked up at you with fear in her eyes.

"Bouda." She whispered, "Known as a Werehyena in your culture. A devil creature that robs the graves of the innocent at night."

However, all you processed was Werehyena. You had never heard of those, but now that you looked at the creature being herded into a cage, you could see that it closely resembled a hyena. Being the scientist you were, you had to get a closer look at it. The minute the villagers parted ways to perform their daily tasks, to finish the day, you moved towards the cage. Putting your hands up when the hunters pointed their spears at you.

"What do you want Miss (Y/N)?" You could faintly recall that his name was Chima.

"I'm a scientist, Chima. It's my job to examine the creatures here in Africa. I believe my boss would include the Bouda in that." You pointed out.

"This isn't a creature." The other one Diallo growled, "It's a beast that should not exist."

Glancing past them at the creature, you noticed that it seemed to lower its head as if it could understand what they were saying.

"Well, I think that examining this creature further will give evidence that will help us eliminate them should there be more of them." You lied nearly to easily. There was no way you had plan to kill a unique creature like this. However, with how hostile the village is towards it, your only chance is to act hostile towards it as well. The two looked at each other before smirking as if they had a plan.

"Miss (Y/N), if you want to study the creature so much, you can guard him. Feed him the scraps and cover him in the day." Chima chirped.

You wanted to ask why cover the cage in the day, but you figured that if you asked any questioned, they'll change their minds about the deal.

"Yes, absolutely. Let me go get something real quick." Running to your hut, you grabbed your sketch book and a notebook. You were going to ask this creature so many questions, it might answer you just to have you shut up. That's if the creature could speak. Rushing back to the cage you waved Chima and Diallo off before sitting in front of the cage. The creature glared at you with its red eyes.

"So, I have a feeling you understand me, but I don't know if you can speak." You hummed, "Can we start off by you telling me your name, perhaps?"

The creature only watched you, making you wonder if he even reacted to what they were saying earlier.

"I'm (Y/N)," You introduced pointing to yourself, "(Y/N)"

"I understand you." He snapped, shocking you at how clear he could speak your language, "I'm not going to give you information that can be used to kill my kind."

"Where could be the harm in telling me your name?" You asked, smirking when he seemed to look away in defeat. Almost instantly though, there were stones and sticks thrown at him. You could faintly see him grimace as they hit him.

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