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This was requested by Paula_Kuilk! I am thinking about making this a regular story. If anyone is interested let me know and I'll tell you were to find it. Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Ducking as a tree exploded, you used a magic shield to protect yourself and Princess Tera.

"Get up the mountain." You yelled, forming your magic in your hands before shotting it towards the ground. 

The hill you're on, turned to ice. Making the soldiers and the wizard slip as they tried to get their balance. That should buy you some time. Hurrying to catch up with Tera, you touched the side of a rock wall. Using your magic to make it crumble. Creating another obstacle in their way.

"Are you sure this is safe?" She asked as you started carefully making your way across a narrow ledge.

"If we can sneak past the dragon and hide in its lair, the dragon won't let them come near us." You reminded her.

Climbing onto a ledge, you pulled her up. Looking down to see the wizard, Wendell, glaring up at you. He was using him magic to move the rocks. Chances are he'll use a levitation spell to bring him and the knights up faster. That's a spell that you don't know.

"We're here." Looking forward at Tera's yell, you spotted the cave.

If you get inside, you'll be safe.  Tera won't be forced into a marriage, and you won't go back to prison. Grabbing her arm, you ran with her towards the cave. The only thing making you stop was the ball of fire that landed above the cave entrance. Skittering to a stop, you kept her behind you as you looked around. The dragon landing just in front of you. There's no way you can sneak in now.  You were trapped between a mountain edge and a dragon. You and Tera can't survive jumping off the mountain or getting eaten by the dragon.

Watching as the dragon's throat started to glow, you quickly put up a barrier spell. Gritting your teeth, as you struggled against the blast of the fire.

"They're over here." Your eyes went behind you where you saw Wendell running to you with the knights.

There's no way out now. Expanding the barrier spell, you let it surround you and the princess.

"Tera, how good are you with that sword?" You asked, praying she was skilled.

"I've trained with the knights. I don't know if I can take on four of them at a time though." She admitted.

Shaking your head, you couldn't figure out what to do. 

"Are you going to help or not?" Hearing Wendell's scream, you looked over at him. 

He was trying to put up a barrier. Growing it, until it covered part of the dragon.

"See if you can hold them off. I'm going to try to get the dragon in the cave." You sighed, already knowing the outcome of this.

Stretching your magic back, you combined it with his. Creating a dome over the dragon, so it couldn't fly out or go around. Glancing at Wendell, you gave him a nod to let him know that you were ready. He only nodded back before you both started pushing your powers in. The dome shrunk little by little. Fire blew from the dragon's mouth again, but it didn't escape. Seeing it didn't have any more options, the dragon went into its lair. Neither of you removed the barrier until the dragon's smoke was no longer visible.

"Maximum prisoner and Princess Tera, you are both coming back with us." Wendell ordered as a magic line wrapped around you, before you had a chance to fight.

Glaring at him, you grabbed the magic rope to push some of your magic into it. It's not going to hurt him. You were pushing your memories to him. The laughter you shared as children during your training. All the moments and feelings you shared with him. What actually happened that night you were accused of attempting to kill Tera.

You never tried to kill Tera. Especially since you were only 13. That night you had scared the real assassin away. However, when the guards and Wendell arrived, it was only you and Tera in the room. You were labeled as the traitor and sentenced to life in prison. Marked with a red dragon on your hand. A symbol of the worse criminals in the kingdom.

Watching his eyes widen, you glared at him. He knows the truth now. You can see the surprise and remorse in his eyes. All that time you were in there, he never once tried to prove your innocence. Despite being your best friend. He never even asked for a trial for you.

"Lord, Wendell, what should we do?" One of the knights questioned as they forced you and Tera to sit.

"Start drawing the teleportation rune. I will watch them and question them." He demanded, moving to kneel by you.

The guards only nodded as they got to work. Glaring at him, you waited for him to speak. Preferably an apology for leaving you alone for the past six years.

"(Y/N)." He whispered, "you can still use magic?"

Scoffing and rolling your eyes, you looked away, "All these years and that's the one thing you have to say? Not an apology for leaving me to rot in a prison cell, unjust for years?"

"I truly thought you were guilty." He mumbled.

"Hold on. You two know each other?" Tera gasped, looking between the two of you.

"He was my best friend and partner in training." You explained, "He was the first boy I loved. That was until I was put in prison wrongfully."

"You loved me?" He whispered, now looking even more regretful.

"Past tense." You snapped, "So, what now? You going to send me back to prison? Become the hero you've always wanted to be? Are you going to force Tera to marry against her will?"

He went silent as he looked between you two. You knew he was thinking from the way he couldn't seem to stay still. A habit he had, even as a child. Raising an eyebrow when he stood, your eyes widened when he waved a hand towards the knights. A light blue mist surrounding them. The magic rope around you vanished as well.

"This young magician is coming with us. Another hero for capturing the Princess." He announced, before the knights smiled at you.

Shocked, you grabbed his shoulder and forced him to turn back to you, "What are you doing? Wiping memories like that is against the law."

"I'm saving you from going to prison again." He hissed, taking his gloves off and handing them to you, "With four mages, our kingdom will be the strongest ever. Tera won't have to marry for more power, and you'll stay out of prison."

"Who says we want your help?" Tera growled, "Especially after (Y/N) missed half of her life because of you."

"I'm trying to make up for it." He sighed, looking back to you, "I loved you too, (Y/N). I want to try to start over. I hope we can be more than what we had one day. Even if this just leads to being acquaintances though, I'll make it up to you. I owe you for the rest of my life."

Biting your lip, you glanced over at Tera. She's also running. You won't make decisions for the both of you, without her. Waiting for her opinion, you watched her hesitate before she nodded.

"We'll both be free. I think we can trust him." She admitted.

Sighing, you nodded, while pulling on the gloves to hide you mark, "You better not turn you back on us."

"I swear on my magic, I won't this time." He assured you, before the knights announced that they finished the teleportation rune to the castle.

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