Chapter 226 ~ Doting the Kitten

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Basked under the moonlight that shined from the opened window of the private guest rooms within the inner chambers of Himeji Castle, Leon sat eyes closed with his legs crossed and hands resting on his lap, meditating.

Since his mother was spending time with Amenominakanushi in her room on the top floor of the castle, his training to control the increased divinity within him would be done alone tonight.

He didn't want to skip his training, even if he was technically enjoying a short vacation right after a business trip. No matter how short it was and even if it was simply meditating, every little improvement

And tonight, he was able to make quite a bit of improvement.

The ever undulating waves of divinity within him that had increased since his last training with his mother were able to calm down significantly. He's now able to control it more precisely and let it flow evenly through his entire body, allowing him to channel his divinity and enhance his physical capabilities and spells constantly and evenly instead of in bursts.

While using his divinity to boost one spell tremendously in a huge burst would increase its effectiveness drastically, it would've consumed much more mana and divine energy than he wanted to.

Considering he would need to fight against multiple floor bosses as well as several monsters as he dives into the dungeon of Wrath, he must preserve every single bit of his divine energy and mana as he could.

Thus, enhancing his spells and physical capabilities with his divinity constantly while still reserving enough to boost his offensive or defensive capabilities during an emergency would be optimal.

That said, maintaining such a high level of control over his divinity was extremely difficult. Much more difficult than using mana to achieve the same effect, albeit much weaker.

That's why he couldn't skip his training. He needed to improve his control over divinity, no matter how little, every day. Every little thing could make a difference.

He took in a deep breath as a soft gust of the chilling night breeze blew into his room, and released it along with all the tension in his body that had accumulated for the few hours of meditation.

He slowly opened his eyes and he was welcomed by the magnificent splendor of the night view of the royal capital of Bestia, Takamagahara.

Orangish-yellow light that resembled twinkling candles lit up the royal capital as if warming and protecting the city and its denizens from the cold and dark of night.

His lips curled into a slight smile as he heard female laughter and giggles come from the room beside him.

Without even having to guess, he knew it was Freya, Lilith, and the rest of the girls who seemed to have come together.

They'd usually gather in his room, but perhaps they found out that he was meditating so they didn't disturb him.

In contrast to the seemingly lively atmosphere, his room was terribly silent. He couldn't help but feel lonely. He wanted to be with his lovers and friends, but he didn't want to disturb them...

Perhaps I should ask one of them first...?

He deliberated for a moment, looking back and forth between the wall that connected his room to the room they were in and his lap, before finally steeling himself.

I'll ask Vy what they're doing and decide later on.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before sending Vyra a telepathic message.

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