Chapter 136.1 ~ Demon Lords of the 7 Deadly Sins

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AN: Finally got the time to read Overlord's volume 14 and the writing on that... That's what I want to be. The diction, flow,  wordings, and overall writing style is so amazing and beautiful. Every time I feel like my writings became worse, I'd always read a few pages of Overlord's LN to mimic the beautiful writing style for my story. No spoilers in the comments pls XD

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~!! As usual, you can read 5 chapters ahead (until Chapter 141) in my patreon, !

Leon then began explaining the 7 deadly sins raid dungeons that existed in Grandeur Fantasia, disguising it as 7 legendary dungeons that existed throughout the world according to the destroyed ancient records that his family once owned.

The records described 7 legendary dungeons, each of which represents each of the 7 deadly sins and vices; Pride, Lust, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, and Wrath. They were each ruled by a demon lord, an armageddon class being who also created the monsters that dwelled within it. Each of these dungeons was similar yet very different at the same time. Though every dungeon has powerful monsters that serve as the guardian of the areas and floors, the powers and traits of the monsters in each dungeon differ. The monsters in the dungeon of Pride have high defense, monsters of Lust can cast charm that will cause their enemies to attack each other, monsters of Envy can slow their enemies' movement speed, and so on.

Leon listed the traits of the monsters in the 7 dungeons and vaguely described how powerful each of the demon lords was. Needless to say, he couldn't fully explain each and every aspect of the dungeons, such as boss mechanics, threat levels, etc. as they were related to the fact that they were a part of the game. Moreover, though the appearance of the Chimera of Pride suggested similarities, he couldn't be sure that the dungeons that existed in this world were identical to the dungeons in Grandeur Fantasia. After all, even though this world shared similarities with Grandeur Fantasia, there were still differences.

"These were all that were written in my family's records."

The silence continued to linger in the room even after Leon finished his explanations. The king, prime minister, royal guard commander, every one of them knitted their brows and frowned deeply. Though they expected the situation to be grave, they didn't expect it to be on such a scale. Not only were they just told that there were many more monsters of the Chimera's caliber, but Leon also just told them that there could be 7 armageddon class beings.

Just a single armageddon class was able to scorch its mark permanently in the history of the world. None of them could imagine the devastation that 7 could bring to the world. Was this the tragedy described in the Divine Fox's prophecy...?

The details of the prophecy didn't describe the form in which the tragedy will take place. Even Amaterasu's ancestor had stated that the prophecy was simply a brief vision that the Goddess shared with her.

"I see... Do you still have the records, Leon?"

"...No. Unfortunately, they were all destroyed the day the household I lived in was destroyed in a conflict. The former head of my family decided to destroy it along with himself and his enemies so as to not let it be possessed by any other."

"...I see. I'm sorry for bringing up such a painful memory."

"Hm? It is fine, your majesty. It is all in the past."

Several pitying gazes fell upon Leon, but none bothered him. The only ones that caught his attention were the sorrowful gazes from his lovers. He gave them a smile, trying his best to assure them that he was fine. There wasn't any need for them to worry about him. After all, they were the ones who had helped him come into terms with his past.

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