Chapter 160

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Many, many things happened over the past few years.

Yan Ting had fallen from the highest point in his life into hell. He had leapt off the cliff due to being pursued and ruined his face and leg. The Weiyuan Marquis Estate lost its nobility and the Yan household was scattered. His own mom passed away....

Yan Ting had wanted to die but wasn't able to, so he could only live on.

Often times, something may seem unbearable when thinking about it. However, when there was no choice, people would find out they were tougher than they expected. No matter how difficult the situation, they could still pass the days.

Yan Ting was in this situation.

His life was pretty decent now. He wasn't willing to idle his days away waiting for death so he slowly started helping Xu Xiang Rong with some of his affairs. He didn't ask and didn't care whether it was right or wrong. He merely walked onwards, removing anyone in his way.

Yan Ting often forgot who he was anymore. It seemed that everything that happened previously was unrelated to him. He would still have remained Lord Ting instead of Yan Ting had he not been suddenly stirred up at the news.

That person had gotten married.

A long time ago, Yan Ting had considered many times whether he had really let Shen Yi Yao down. Why did two people who should have been the closest in the world end up in such a state? Yan Ting kept refusing to accept one fact: Shen Yi Yao had probably been involved to some degree in his death.
She was a girl who hadn't even been able to watch a chicken getting butchered, but ended up participating in scheming her husband's death. What a failure of a person he was!

Yan Ting hadn't been unaffected by Shen Ding's words. They had even pushed him into despair due to his thoughts and beliefs being overturned. That was a complete denial of his existence. Afterwards, he was no longer willing to think about it. Like a certain person had said, what's done is done. Wasn't repenting now a little artificial?

The door creaked open and someone walked in.

His hair was damp and he wore pale blue innerwear. He body was still wet as he came at him.

Burning, heavy entanglement....

In his daze, Yan Ting heard that person speaking by his ear.

"What? Still hung up on her?"

"No." He heard himself answer.

The struggle between the crown prince and Senior Concubine Xu's factions never stopped after starting.
Along with the Jin Prince and Qi Prince leaving for their vassal states, the struggle was now spread over a far distance.

In theory, the empress and crown prince should feel relieved now that their enemies had left. However, Senior Concubine Xu remained in favor and Emperor Xi was still biased towards the Jin and Qi Princes. Whenever the crown prince was given anything, Emperor Xi would also send a portion over to the Jin and Qi Provinces the next day.

Furthermore, after leaving, the princes had been summoned back to the capital several times. It was extremely eye-catching.

After leaving to their vassal states, they also made moves in private frequently. The crown prince often had nightmares about them raising their own army and invading the capital, putting him to death.

Emperor Xi's opnion wasn't clear. He had aged recently and his health wasn't as before. Not long ago, he had fainted in court which startled all the officials. Although news was later spread that it was just an old illness relapsing and there weren't any major issues, everyone still had their doubts.

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