10- prey

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10- prey

After that night she didn't open her door, nor did anyone care or atleast remembered her presence in that huge mansion.

Manik enjoyed seeing tension on Wilson's face about the issue of investors. His ego was satisfied by seeing him tense.

Manik submitted his final project and he was sure of being his university topper, one day passed and after dinner, Manik reached his room and halted his feet in front of Nandini's room.

He remembered that she was not in breakfast/lunch and even for dinner. He knocked on the door hearing silence and the door automatically opened because of the broken lock.

As he stepped into the darkroom he turned on the light and was shocked to see her on the bed lifelessly.

Her face was swollen along and her jaw is pinkish.

"Nanduu!" He called out tabbing her cheek, but she didn't respond shaking him off.

"Dammit, nothing should happen to her! Uncle... Uncleee!" He yelled calling everyone and soon her parents arrived and were shocked to see her numb.

"Call the doctor!" Manik shouted.

Within an hour doctor came and treated her injected saline.

"What happened?" Wilson asked worried with his teary eyes.

"Nothing to worry, her teeth were broken and seems she didn't have food for two days. Use medicines and take care of her. She is week" Doctor said to them.

"How her teeth broken?" Mrs Wilson asked confused. Manik remembered how he slapped her brutal. He fisted his plam holding in his emotions.

"Only Nandini can answer. She may wake up in an hour. Call me if anything else needed"

An hour later,

Nandini gained consciousness and was surprised to see her parents standing at her side.

"M..mom" she smiled a little holding her sore cheek.

"How are you feeling now?" Her mom asked sitting beside her.

"I'm fine" she mumbled and raised her eyes and flinched seeing Manik standing on her left side. She lowered her eyes not meeting his.

"What happened to you? How your teeth was broken?" Her dad asked looking at her.

"My teeth was broken" she mumbled being unaware of it. All the things that happened night flashed in her mind. Manik fisted his plam thinking she may tell truth to all.

"I... I fell down. I thought it will be fine by morning. Don't know anything. Sorry! Did I wasted your time?" She whispered shocking Manik.

"You have to tell us right! What if this was a major injury? You should be careful" her mom said cupping her face.

"Sorry" she said softly not meeting their eyes.

"Ok, dear. You take rest. Your mom will be with you" her dad said walking out along with Manik.

Nandini felt happy forgetting her pain after seeing her mom sitting beside softly caressing her head with love.

"Aren't you busy now?" Nandini asked with a smile.

"Yes, but nothing is more important than you. I or your dad are trying to build your best future because we see our world in you. We are busy in present because we want your future beautiful. You are our future, our hope and everything. You don't know how much we are happy seeing your scorecard. Your dad almost lost his hope of getting your admission in Harvard, but the score of yours gave him the best feel. This education helps you in having best career. You can build your nest as you want. Trust us your dad's choice never fails." Her mom convinced with love which she accepted obediently. Her mom feed her dinner and made her sleep.

Another side,

Manik felt happy as nandini didn't express anything out. He has seen her dad who is arranging drinks for them at the bar room freezer.

"Come on sit, Manik" He called me out. I took the bar chair and occupied flipping the glass.

"Did Nandini tell you anything fishy?" He asked surprising me.

"What you mean uncle?"

"There is something Nandini is lying about."

"Why will she lie?"

"Come on Manik, will anyone get hurt their jaw by falling down. If someone falls they get hurt on leg or hand before reaching face. But she just got hurt and fingerprints on her nape and cheek?" Her dad predicted.

"Uncle, it might be an accident. Don't overthink about it. As far I know there is no man in her life." I told him not to get messed up.

"Even I know that there is no man in her life, but someone is behind her. I noticed the fear in her eyes. She is shaken up by something and I know that marks on her nape are out of harsh grip of a man. When she gets fine you ask her about that and tell me." He said.

"Will she tell me?"

"Yep, of course. She is almost staying with you and she can open up for you." He said confidently.

"If she finds shall I warn that man?"

"No, just give me his details."

"Then?" I asked curiously.

"I will get that bastard killed, no person should live alive after hurting my daughter. Whoever it is he deserves to die for laying his hand on my princess." He growled at once gulping in his drink furiously. I gasped seeing his sudden possession.

"Chill, uncle. It might not be true."

"She is in shock. Once she is fine, I will get the truth. But you also try. Because she is angry with me about her career things." He explained.

"Ok" I mumbled. I'm so happy. Not because of seeing her suffering. I'm happy because I found the right track. Hurting his princess can ruin his everything. His business loss should be turned towards his daughter. Every tear from his daughter's eyes will pinch his heart. Yes, he should ruin her life with his own hands and I will make sure you cry and cry until you die.

You are my target and your daughter is my prey in this tale of revenge. You destroyed my happy family, now it's my turn to destroy you. When you can ruin my family for your profit why not you ruin your daughter's life for the same profits. I will make you do it!

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