25- Betrayal

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Considered chapter 24... Is not much liked. Sorry for disappointing you

As apologise I published 25 before target

Same target 120 votes

Manik was reading some documents in his study room and Nandini was sitting hugging her teddy cutely talking with it. Manik kept his microphone away to avoid her blabbering. Manik's dog came inside and it got attracted to the giant teddy. It thought it was a real animal closer to Nandini. To obey his boss's order the dog bitten teddy's leg trying to pull it off the bed. Nandini rosed in fear seeing it.

"Hey you, that my teddy don't bite teddy" Nandini cried dragging her teddy. Manik came running hearing her screaming. He thought his dog may attack her.

The dog has torn the teddy's leg that nandini got angry, ignoring her fear and hit the dog with the half-empty water bottle on its leg. The dog fell whimpering in pain.

"You idiotic girl" Manik scolded Nandini walking to his dog. Nandini was so lost in crying seeing her teddy's torn leg. Jack too came to her room, Manik gave Champ to Jack and ordered him to call the vet to treat him.

His eyes fell on nandini who is still crying concerned about her teddy that fused his more.

"My teddy" nandini cried seeing its torn leg.

"It's just a toy. You useless girl. How dare you to hurt my champ" Manik scolded reaching her. He held back himself from hurting her. She turned quiet in fear of him as he walked to the door.

"You hate me, then why do you want to keep me here? Why the hell you stop me from running away?" Nandini yelled.

"Because I want to keep you here" he muttered facing her.

"I don't want to stay with you" She scoffed.

"There was no way, out from my Castle. I brought you!" He added with a grin.


"Your father sold you, darling! From today I'm not just your tutor but now I'm your owner. I own you"

"No, you're disgusting. It's a lie!" She argued.

"Ok, check this contract which you signed along with your dad" he grinned and that second her world collapsed knowing the truth that her father betrayed her and got her signature.

"Noo!" She cried collapsing on the bed.

"It should be yes always. I will decide your life. I just can't wait to claim you." He grinned rubbing her shivering lips. She pushed him away in anger.

"You bloody liar. My dad will never do something like this. You're a cheater, liar! She cried getting out of her bed. Manik was done with her nonsense. He dragged her out directly to his dark room and slammed her on the bed. She gasped in pain as she hit the leather mattress.

She hurriedly crawled back in fear of getting hurt by him. But to her surprise, he turned on the screen connected to his laptop he dialled her father.

"Papaaa" Nandini cried seeing her father on the screen.

"Nandu, how are you baby?" Her dad asked worried seeing her crying.

"Hi, Mr. Wilson!" Manik chuckled from her back getting on the bed taking her closer to his hugging her from behind. She tried to push him away but his grip was hard.

"He is so bad papa, please take me" She cried.

"Acha, can you do that Mr. Wilson?" Manik gritted harshly sipping off her tee over her shoulder and placing a kiss on her skin.

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