134 - Good boy

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134 - Good boy

Manik took the help of the chef and prepared Nandini's favourite lunch, that task kept him so busy that he didn't even get any negative thoughts the while and his mind was excited thinking about her and her favourites.

Manik along with Jack went to Lily Pharmaceutical office this time from the private elevator. Nandini got a bright smile seeing her super obedient husband came with the lunch prepared with so much love. But her work commitment locked her to the seat.

"Hubby, rest in the room. I will come after ending this meeting" She told Manik and sighed Jack to follow him. So that Manik doesn't get any chance to think unwanted stuff.

As Nandini engrossed in her work, Manik and Jack went to the bedroom attached to the CEO cabin. It has a cradle and many more kid stuff.

"Nandini got Lily to office? why here? She can do work from home"

"Personal presence and interaction helped her to grow. She is not just CEO but also a scientist working on some research, she used this room to look after Lily, she has some health issues"


"She didn't have milk and even Nandini didn't have sufficient energy to do it"


"Nandini took medication for that and started bottle feeding. Hmm like using pump! You got it right?" Jack explained with limited words not to go off his line.

"John never informed me anything"

"None knows this except three of us Doctor, Nandini and me. You left her to struggle alone and over head this huge responsibility. You always said you would give her wings to fly, but you are the one who tied those wings with metal chains. But you know she never showed up her pain, she never gave up like you and most important she never ran away like you. It's hard, it pained to hell still she cheered for her baby and took your responsibilities as hers. Staying in guilt is a very easy thing, you just seen some small thing in a big mirror and turned her life into hell. You know what is hard bro? Stay with pain but showing smile to the world is hard. Protecting your goal and taking in all your harsh words is harder. When you gave up she Kept fake hope of your return and own her! For taking everything of this she got gifted by divorce. Did she ever ask you something, maybe never you decided everything for her? Everyone around just used her including you. After everything she just asked you to be a good father for Lily. For the mistakes of Zach you are punishing her." Jack complained with tears. Manik took him in his embrace comforting him, he held back his tears thinking how harsh his decisions were in life, but he didn't find any way to get off his guilt. He badly needed help but was unable to find what he needed.

"Take one chance, bro, Lily needs her father. She needs a family, no one can replace you" Manik was silent unable to decide anything. Soon they received an intercom video call from Nandini. Jack attended the call settling their faces back to normal, but Manik didn't set well as he lost his skill locking alone.

"What happened?" Nandini asked looking at Manik's dull face.

"Nothing" Jack smiled, Nandini felt Manik didn't liked waiting.

"I may take some more time, you guys can go home" Nandini said hanging up the call in seconds. Jack looked at Manik's face realising why she ended the call so easily. He turned on the screen inside the room and pinned the cc camera of her cabin.

She looked depressed holding back her tears. Soon the GM walked in and Nandini coated her pain with a smile.

"This is how she was managing her successful life. Just as you wanted, you are her slow poison the more you move away the more chances for her destruction. I thought atleast today she would eat fully,  but seems it merely impossible. Always she kept busy in work and ate to live for Lily." Jack mumbled upset.

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang