109- Fixing Traps

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109- fixing traps

Throughout the journey, Nandini was so relaxed and stable. She was carrying some different kind of emotion within which surprised Jack alot. She directly passed through the checks and dropped out beside the private jet waiting for them.

"Jack, I can manage. It's my home town I know route to my house. I think you should stay with Manik. He badly needs help."

"No, I will be with you only he ordered the same"

"He is a fool. Killing me is equal to killing a golden duck. I was always safe. It's a trap, Jack, they're unable to face us together so they parted us to knock him. Listen to me carefully, at this point, Manik is emotionally weak an attack is possible. Stay with Manik, he needs you badly and I don't know we can ever meet or not I wish you all luck. Sheetal loves you. You both look great together, marry her and have a family."

"Okay, Take care of yourself" He took out his pocket gun and placed it in her hand. She gave it back with a smile.

"My brain is my biggest weapon, I can kill any person. Hope the best bro" She smiled taking the jet stairs, and with a smile she bid a bye to him but he just looked at her sadly. Even the weather was cloudy with signs of storm just like their life.

Jack returned from the airport and on the way parking he seen a posh SUV which is similar to their cars. The rain started a little.

"I had some important work here, you guys go home" Jack said his staff getting out of the car. Seeing the number plate he concluded that Manik is here. He pulled on the door and looked at Manik who was crying so bitterly with hiccups, he had never seen Manik this way and couldn't even able to watch he closed the door with a thud that Manik realised someone came there. He hid his tears and came out of his car.

"What you're doing here? Nandini?"

"She is more stubborn and wants me to guard you. Let's go, sir. " Manik understood her confidence and silently got in the passenger seat and Jack started driving "Ask our informed to keep track of her safety."

"I did" Jack responded turning on the car wiper as it started raining heavily.

"Is she alright? Is she crying?" hearing such a question Jack laughed sarcastically.

"Why you are laughing?"

"I just remembered a proverb that crying in BMW will be better than crying on road" Jack pulled side beside the lonely road, getting out of the car in the heavy rain he opened the door for Manik.

"Nature is in your favour, it's raining you can cry on the road also and none gonna find it or see it including me. Just reduce your burden bro" Manik hugged him tight and cried his heart out pouring all his emotions. That was first time in his life he started breaking down with someone other than Nandini. 

"She is right bro, they planned well to break you emotionally. So that they can kill you. But no you shouldn't be like this. Cry as much as you want till this rain rests. You should rise for your love, you should end this game and win your love. You should win for her love." Jack motivated pushing him out of his emotional breakdown. Manik has broken the hug coating back his bossy face.

"From today I will be her spy. So keep yourself right" Jack warned with a chuckle.

"She will come for me right?"

"Your wife boss, If she forgot route I will go and get her by air at jet speed. By the way, your body was messy this way, night fully ahh" Jack teased pulling his legs. Manik blushed with a smile holding his attitude.

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