137- Open Ends

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137- Open Ends

After dropping Lily Manik asked John to take him to her office. He was so casually dressed in shorts and tee, least cared about his outfit while fearing Jack and Nandini's intimacy.

In the cabin, Jack was sitting on the couch and Nandini on her chair facing each other simultaneously working on her laptop.

"Three days, you will monitor everything here and Manik, none should know it!"

"Offo, I will go and sort it why to waste your time on silly things"

"There are many involved and we can't know their true colour until we stand in victim's shoes. It's very important for MV technologies. I should filter! sometimes presence matters more than time and money. I should be there for them."

"There is no creature in this world to convince you, Madam. How about your husband now? He got everything except heart attack which he may get now" Jack laughed.

"He left no option, Like he got tired of living I was tired of being good to him. Only this can stop him from going away from me. Wait and watch"

"What to watch, he might be home cooking lunch for you"

"1.. 2... 3... Boom" She pressed on her keyboard showing cc footage of her chamber's private elevator. Jack got up shocked seeing Manik getting in the elevator hurried.

"From today every second, he will keep running behind me. This was the power of lie and reward for hiding the truth. Just see how much I'm gonna irritate him that he end up begging me to forget this divorce drama."

By the time Manik entered the chamber, Nandini and Jack were sitting together sharing chocolate. Before Jack bites the chocolate bar Manik comes up immediately snatching it from Jack and he bites it fully in one big bite and smacks the rafter on Jack's face.

"It's my chocolate" Nandini argued.

"Then why you gave him?" Manik scoffed more frustrated.

"It's my wish, Why you are here? Have you prepared lunch?"

"Yes, I will die cooking dishes for you and here you both share chocolates and play football"

"Have you seen any ball here?"Jack giggled

"Why ball when you both have me? Jack, get out!" Manik said seriously. Nandini was holding in her laughter seeing her husband's frustration. She loved irritating him more.

"We had important work, you go home" Jack says, sitting beside her closer burning him more.

"Why will I go home?"

"Please, bro atleast I should be happy. See I'm promising your wife will be safe in my hands. I will love her so much" Jack whispered taking him aside.

"Shut up, she is your sister"

"Bro, she is like sister, not my real sister. Let's sort our things we can date before getting married"

"You can't do it, you know how much I love her. How can you do this?" Manik questioned teary because of his helplessness. 

"We aren't cheating you bro, you dumped her out of your guilt. It's your problem and you want her to move on then what is the problem moving on with me or someone else? With me, she will be happy and loyal to her. Even I hurt her I will fall on her feet and apologise and do everything for her forgiveness unlike you punishing self and hiding truth. Love needs respect, faith, loyalty, transparency, forget and forgiveness. Among these all you only had trust. If you respected her you would tell her everything and ask for an apology atleast. Hmm leave it at last she made the right choice. Anyway what is her favourite scent? I wanna ask her on a date so gift"

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