103- Graduated

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103 - Graduated

Nandini successfully completed her project and submitted it before the deadline. After that, she moved to her lab to feed her pet.

She deposited fresh meat in its food vending box, which was like a vending machine that can release food timely and refilled weekly twice. The vending machine has food-preserving technology to keep it fresh and raw. 

Nandini injected some liquid into the meatball and deposited it in the vending box. The python gulped in and rolled around the tree branch, consuming it. Soon the python crawled on the wood flakes and dozen off.

Nandini waited a few more minutes and unlocked the glass cage. She confirmed its unconscious due to the medicine she gave and softly tabbed on its belly, helping it to start its digestion process.

After almost 20 Minutes Nandini felt its swollen stomach started reducing its volume, which indicated its digestion was all active and it may wake up soon. She got an empty syringe and collected some fluid from its intestine. It’s a harmless process and healthy practice to do research.

Getting her sample, she walked out of the cage and locked it safe. She took a few drops of the fluid collected from Tod and tried her methodology to identify its combination and also its concentration.

She referred some of her documents and found a perfect portion. She dropped a drop of the fluid on her hand that peeled off her sensitive skin.

“Ahhh... Oh this... “ she cried, closing her mouth to hold her painful scream going out. Later, she dropped a drop of the liquid she created and it burned more that her skin bleeded to the drop extent.

Keeping the test tube safe, she ran to the washbasin and washed her hands perfectly, but the burn was extreme, giving her tears with pain.

She applied some medicine and kept an ice pack. It took her almost two hours to control that pain and hold her back.

“I made it! I made this! Right medicine to this hunt. Now I can save him” Nandini laughed seeing the result.

“Now search methods to preserve its combination,” she thought, thinking about it.

Convocation day,

Nandini was the topper of the batch, and she was more excited about Manik’s shocking surprise. But to her shock, Manik told her that he had some other works so he can’t make it to attend her convocation but he will watch live streaming.

She was so upset but hid it from Manik and went alone to attend her graduation day.

“Do you know who is our special guest?” Riya asked while forwarding the black graduation coat to Nandini.

“Any celebrity billionaire! I’m just done. I lost all the interest in this,” Nandini muttered with disinterest, putting on her coat.

“Don’t be moody, we worked hard for this day and you are the topper.”

“I want that day to happen for Manik. He dreamed of this beyond me. Hush! It’s all my fate. Why doesn’t he be an ordinary man like all.” Nandini cursed his busy profession life which was filled with hectic schedule.

“Don’t worry, by the way, future plan? Are you looking about any future studies?”

“Nothing. I can’t handle this grade’s mess. What about you?”

“Why? We all got placements, but you didn’t even looked at that. Seriously, with so much knowledge, you are wasting all. Manik is a part of your life. Why you’re making him your life? You should grow alone, that’s what Manik wished for”

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