155 - Changing poles

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155 - Changing poles

The room is filled with silence from the two as their minds are stormed with a million questions with no trace of gaining the right conclusion.

"You should better ask him everything in detail" Nandini suggested snuggling in his embrace.

"To ask him this, I have to tell him everything and you know how much he loves Mom. I don't think he can handle truth" Manik sighed exhausted, Nandini thought for a while and got a best idea which she whispered in his ear.

"Is that safe?"


"Hmm, then why it's not approved by council?"

"Because knowing every truth can be harmful. In our world, only 10% of people are truth tellers rest all change shades. This 10% of people are just meant to die in there. In reality, truth never rewards. it's punished. I'm not blaming someone in particular it's about this era. Right people are getting punished so people started believing being bad can make them survive. Just think about us, if you don't have money and power we might have died long ago. These all factors shielded us so we are now sitting in this luxurious mansion talking about the world in general" Nandini chuckled sarcastically slapping his arm.

"You look things beyond the box or I should say your box is as vast as Mother Earth, but my box is small. I always seen my dad as my superhero, if it's a lie then my entire life will be a lie. Do you think Dad is the culprit?" Manik asked again. She sighed exhausted.

"We need to figure it out"

"I'm worried, tell me if he was the one we will... All my life will be a lie" Manik whimpered ready to break down.

"I don't think so Manik because I verified him, according to my mother's confession she tried to seduce him and many other women tried it. Even after your mom's death, he never looked at any. And you have seen him how depressed he was all these years. It's just we missed a part of his story where Joy was involved. We need to figure out his relationship with his twin and why he failed to notice some details or did he was hidden. You just try this way we can get his real story out in detail." Nandini softened taking him in a hug.

As They lost in conversation, Nandini's eyes shifted to the backyard and all of sudden she felt it was empty, there was no sign of his twin.

"Manik, I think he is gone" Nandini panicked breaking the hug, Manik looked at her surroundings and followed her eyes glancing at the backyard and searching for his twin who had just there playing with his dog few minutes ago.

Soon her eyes fell on their dog sitting under the tree chewing on something.

"Give me your phone once" She asked looking suspicious. Manik passed it, she opened the camera and zoomed towards their dog. It's running here back and catching something using its mouth. She turned the angel to the tree branches their between trees there was a Cranberries plant beside the mango tree and his twin climbed onto the mango tree.

Mark was hanging on the tree branch to pluck cranberries from the head of the plant, and throwing them towards his dog and it's eating them enjoying the sport.

"Hush, this guy I'm gonna kill him now" She shouted proceeding out Manik ran behind her shouting "What happened?" they reached the tree located in the middle of the backyard.

Manik was shocked to see him chilling on the tree eating cranberries and randomly throwing berries to the puppy whistling in joy.

"Hey, you monkey! Get off the tree" Nandini shouted pulling on the branch, his twin jumped down confused seeing them down angry.

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