142 - New Love

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It has max about Sheetal, Jack and John skip it. We are close to conclude and justify every character in this story. This was my baby Manan are heart but heart can't function well without the rest loyal committed people and they deserve the best. Bad should be eradicated anf good should be rewarded already good people count turning to -1℅ so cheers for all the good people

142 - New Love

Sheetal waited for Jack at the dining table maybe for two hours sitting in the same place and Jack came at 9 p.m.

Looking at her there he turned to leave when she called him "I'm waiting for you only, let's have dinner" She asked softly.

"I'm not hungry, you can eat" Jack said coldly climbing the stairs.

"If you don't like eating with me it's okay, have dinner" Sheetal said getting up from her chair.

"Yeah, you know I don't wanna see you then why the hell you showed up here? I'm so done with you Sheetal. Why you are coming again and again? I don't have anything with you"

"But I loved you, don't need to accept me just trust the fact that I love you. I did everything for us but it harmed others and I take responsibility."

"Then get out of this place, every time I'm seeing you I hate myself for falling for you. It's purely my mistake, I want to live single forever. So better fix your life with some rich dog who can wiggle his tail according to you" He snarled with hate breaking her heart. She ran out sitting on the garden bench she cried out, that's the only place where there was privacy away from guards. She cried bitterly not letting her sobs crackle out, that wasn't her maybe the last time she cried this much was her first break and today. All her hope to win some love vanished. Today she concluded that everyone just throws her out like trash, none wants her.

As she was crying a sudden hand shook her, it might be Jack she thought and looked behind and realised it was John.

She immediately turned away and wiped her tears coating up with a calm expression.

"Mam, I was just going out on inspection around this estate. Just wondering do you want a tour around." She was about to reject it when he added

"It will be great like an amusement park ride, oh you are thinking Jack will get angry. I can ask his permission."

"He didn't give me any damn about it! Fine, let's go even though I don't want to be here. It's just Sheetal I'm not your boss" She scoffed getting up and settling her crop top. 

Both went out and John helped her get in his jeep and in seconds they drove away which was seen by Jack who was standing on the rooftop. He immediately called John and asked where he was and John told him that he was on a regular inspection tour along with Sheetal.

"Keep focus on work rather than chitchatting with fools" Jack scoffed hanging up his call. Sheetal just turned away her face acting like she didn't hear any.

"From how long you know Jack?" John asked driving on first gear while checking his surroundings.

"Maybe five years"

"I have known him from ten years, we both trained together but he was faster than me because he couldn't stay away from Manik sir, I still remember that year. Our coach told us if we could clear all fitness and efficiency tests only then we can go out of the academy. Jack worked on it daily for twenty hours and cleared everything in just four months. We took the same tests after one year, that's his commitment to stay with our boss. Manik was part of him like we need oxygen he needs him to survive. You tried to break that bond it's just boss and employee relation according to us but according to him, Manik is his god. If we get any problem we all will go to our mom or dad or girlfriend but Jack will never get any because Manik sir will be guarding him. Manik was more important to him than his mother."

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