39- Romance

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39- Romance

"So my monster boss had some feelings on this kiddo. Hmm... Her Manu! Hmm, should do something to turn him. It's irritating to see him so seriously. Lover boy look suits him" Jack mumbled after hearing the conversation between Manik and Nandini. Manik went inside ruffling his hair frustrated.


Manik was busy with his work and walked down to join dinner. Looking at him walking down Jack hurriedly made Nandini sit beside Victor and he occupied the chair in front of them. If it was jack sitting beside nandini, Manik would've dragged him out. He looked at Nandini and took the chair infront of her beside Jack.

Maya served food for them, and Nandini made faces looking at the carrot fry served in her plate. She looked at Manik who was glaring at her giving her a silent warning to eat.

She silently had plain rice and skipped curry. She saw Manik who was engrossed in his meal. Feeling it was the right time she planned to leave the table. But little did she know that he is observing her from corner of his eyes.

As she dropped the spoon to get up. Manik folded his legs around her legs under the table which caged her legs in him. She almost slipped out of her chair by his force, but taking support of the table she held back. Manik gave her a silent warning to complete her food. He loosened his legs a little around her feet and let her adjust locking her legs between his.

Jack felt fishy seeing Nandini's changed expression. Straightening himself he looked under the table and gasped seeing the scenario. Victor got confused seeing Jack looking under the table and soon his eyes followed under the table.

Jack's eyes meet Victor as he got smile. Jack forced a smile holding his heart from blasting. On one side manik is arguing there is nothing but on another side, his gestures were totally different.

Nandini silently gulped the curry. Once Manik saw her plate empty he let her free.

After dinner,

Victor caught Jack to start his enquiry. Looking at Victor coming in his direction jack took his walkie talkie faking conversation to escape from facing Victor's interrogation but Victor held him back dragging his shirt from beside.

"You will go later"

"Why sir?" Jack smiled faking innocence.

"We both know why I stopped you, tell me what is going on between them?" Victor asked straight.


"I thought the same, but now I don't believe it"

"It's true there is nothing they are like brother and sister" Jack lied purposely that victor watching in horror.



As their argument is going on another side Manik badly missed her kissing his cheek lovely. That feeling echoed in his mind demanding him once more. Feeling restless he went in search of Nandini to her room.

She got scared seeing him in her room.

"Come here" Manik whispered getting her out of her thoughts. She just walked to his feared of his action later on. Not wasting a minute he took her in his embrace wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Afternoon you told me something like you want to keep your Manu happy. Is that true or you said to create an emotional effect on me?" He grinned intentionally tuning her mind for his dirty game.

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