138- Tally

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138 - Tally

Night Manik prepared a yummy dinner for her and arranged a candlelight dinner on his balcony. He wasn't sure why he did this maybe effect of the last night's session. He wanted to pamper her the way she dreamed. He can see her love for him in her eyes and morning Jack's argument pushed him to the edge. 

Nandini loved his surprise but didn't make any comment to preserve the moment.

"Thank you, Manik. Everything is great" She smiled completing her dinner. But Manik's mind was stuck in struggle overthinking about the words of Sheetal and Jack.

"Even If I hurt her I will fall on her feet and apologise and do everything for her forgiveness unlike you punishing self and hiding truth. Love needs respect, faith, loyalty, transparency, forget and forgiveness. Among these all you only had trust. If you respected her you would tell her everything and ask for an apology atleast." Jack's words echoed in his mind.

"I...  I want to talk to you, can we? I mean in private"  Manik asked stressed up.

"We are private here, Lily is already in sleep."

"Can we go to chamber?" he asked surprising her.

"Is he asking for any soundproof setup?" she thought in her mind, brushing all her thoughts she nodded to him and both went to his secret chamber.

First thing Manik was shocked seeing the place new, there was no clue of anything there just a room with some paintings hanging on the walls.

"Destroyed those files and saved some data in hard disk." Nandini said he looked at the paintings some were more erotic.

"You drawn them?" Manik asked surprised admiring her work.

"That's what I missed these two years." She chuckled with a naughty grin, and he blushed. 

"Have you ever thought about any other man, I mean you are in an abusive relationship, married to me by force and I just used you not even owning your child. I blamed, tortured, molested you. I did every wrong thing to you than why are you still holding on me? You have everything now, maybe I value zero if you left me then why are you still holding me, why are you letting me use you this way."

"If Lily Aunty told your father the truth would he accept her?"

"I asked something else?"

"You will get an answer after answering me" She demanded sitting on the couch.

"Dad loves her defiantly he would've helped her" Manik said confidently.

"Then you, Can you accept your wife if she was been raped"

"What the hell are you talking?" Manik scoffed unable to take such things.

"Answer straight!"

"Her soul matters me, I would feel bad if her soul was transferred to another man. But when her heart is locked with me nothing will matters. Man can see her body but only I can see her soul and it's mine."

"Same applies to me, I don't mind you touched me. It's situation, I can understand the fear behind those harsh words and love behind the madness. I was nothing before you took me but today everything is because of you. You gave me a life and a hope to live. It's just you, I loved you so much even if you hurt me and broke me my love won't change. I can never hate you" He was still unable to figure out why they all are loving him so much, that broke him more. He lost all his emotional control.

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora