37- Emotions

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37- Emotions

Nandini walked inside the kitchen where Maya is cooking lunch.

"Shall I help you, Aunty?" Nandini asked hesitated.

"You know cooking?" Maya asked surprised.

"Not much, but I know little. Shall I make a dessert?" Nandini asked curious. Maya thought for a while and accepted.

Nandini just thought for a while about the recipe she wants to cook. Maya helped her in collecting the ingredients.

"Why do you want to prepare Gajar ka halwa?" Maya asked doubtfully knowing that it's Manik's favourite dish made by his mom. But he never had that dish after his mom's dismissal.

"Manik sir likes it" Nandini whispered trimming carrots.

"He is hurting you and your thinking about his likes" Maya asked in disbelief.

"No person was born bad. I know him since the day I was born and suddenly his love started to hate. There may be a reason for him to hate me, but I don't have reason to hate him" Nandini whimpered.

"He broken you and torturing you still you are not hating him. Look you had golden change tell everything to victor sir. Manik locked us with a promise, but you are free. Just tell him everything you can go back to your home" Maya insisted.

"If my father didn't sell me Manik may not do this to me. When I'm unworthy for my parents, he paid a better price and brought me. I'm useless for all but Manik found me a little useful. It's enough for this life." Nandini smiled. Maya just stood speechless hearing it. The level of Nandini's patience is tough to handle and another side she is worried about Nandini's future after his dad leaves.

Nandini prepared it perfect. Maya felt happy seeing her effort to keep him happy.

"Aunty, can you do a help?" Nandini asked serving in bowls.

"It's done, dear"

"Not about this, He doesn't likes me then why will he eat this? Can you tell him a lie that you prepared it?" Nandini asked worried.

"But you worked hard for this?"

"I felt he missing his mom so much today, so I made this to relieve his feeling a little bit. If he eats this, I will feel so happy" Nandini insisted.

Dining table,

Nandini took the chair in front of him beside victor. Manik and Jack took opposite seats and maya served food for all.

As the strong ghee smell caught by Manik's nostrils he checked on the dishes excited.

"Oh, wow Gajar ka halwa" Victor yelled excited. Manik was surprised looking at the texture. He felt it won't taste like his mom's recipe.

Victor had a spoonful of dessert and make a wow expression "It's so tasty"

"Try it, Manik." Victor said licking his lips.

"No, I don't like desserts" Manik rejected turning away his head. Nandini felt bad that he didn't have it.

"Have a spoon, if you don't like leave" Victor forced forwarding the bowl. Nandini looked excited seeing her Manu taking a bite of halwa.

"Maa...." Manik whispered with tears tasting the dessert. Nandini felt happy seeing him eating it fully with love.

"Aunty, you made this?" Manik asked running to her. Maya looked at Nandini not willing to lie, but nandini sighed to Maya blinking her eyes to tell yes. Which was kneely observed by Victor.

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