71- Request/ Sacrifice

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Someone asked a sweet question the answer is 'A bitting devil is better than eating python. Silence has many secrets and dangers hidden inside. Darkness never scares the silence inside the darkness scares us.'

71- Request vs sacrifice

Next day,

Nandini didn't speak to anyone and went to college without even having breakfast.

"Why did she go so early?" Manik asked Jack who was chatting on phone. He was literally gushing while typing.

"She didn't tell nor I asked her" Jack said still typing something.

"With whom you are chatting?" Manik asked suspiciously. Jack locked his phone and his face turned back serious.

"I asked a question" Manik argued.


"Who is that friend whom I don't know" Manik asked.

"Friend only, My schoolmate but she is a girl. So little awkward" Jack uttered looking around.

"Oh love?"

"No, we are just friends. She is already dating someone" Jack said Manik sighed.

"If you want I can arrange her breakup" Manik giggled.

"Yeah, you are an expert in breaking hearts" Jack taunted thinking something else.

"If I tell it's Sheetal will he break up?" he thought in his mind and he wanna try it too.

"If I tell it's Sheetal will you break with her?" Jack asked looking at him excitedly.

"Haha, Sheetal. She was never in a serious relationship. Even if I break up she will break you as well. Try with heart who knows your girly friend may turn into girlfriend and wife in future" Manik chuckled taking it easy.

"Nandini too kept her life to love you but still she was treated like a sh*t by you" Jack scoffed frustrated walking away. Manik got furiously and smacked the glass on the floor in anger.

"How many times I have to tell you? I don't want her to live her life like a widow" Manik yelled out.

"Why will she? Her husband has her brother stand in front to shield him. In fear of the future, you are destroying her present"

"Understand Jack, my path is painful. I deserve to die alone only that gives me peace. Just explain her to move on. To have a good future present can be painful. It's okay to take this little pain. She will suffer staying with me." Manik explained.

"Ok, I will explain" Jack said calmly.

In college,

Riya and Nandini are discussing about the previous day's things. Nandini explained to her what happened and the way she had seen Sheetal with Manik.

"Offo, it's just a hug and kiss. Couples here do many more things beyond. Forget that, but did you observe Manik has feelings for you and I know you are affecting him much but seems he doesn't wanna admit it.

"I don't know, leave it. Maybe he loves that Sheetal"

"Let's believe it as true, then why will she kiss on his cheek instead of lips? His mansion, he lives single and night, why did she go to her home instead of staying at his place? Just think kiddo, yesterday's weather was so sensual and they defiantly had a chance to spend a sensual night together and love each other then why both went in different directions? What Manik is doing behind your door instead of going to his girl's place?" Riya poured out all the questions giving her sense.

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