156 - Lit up

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156 - Lit up

"You are still visible sit up we will talk," Manik said pulling up the sheet.

"I don't want to, I want to go away. Leave me, I don't need anything" Mark said with tears, Manik let a chuckle, sitting on the bed.

"Upset right that I held you hard? But you felt good when I touched you kind. Hmm, you didn't smile when I was good but you are crying when I held you bad. Why?" Manik asked in a soft tone wiping his tears.

"It hurts" his twin mumbled.

"So, you wanted to go away from me. I was your twin, right? We are family and you know I will not kill you still you wanted to run away because I gave you little pain. Hmm," Manik sighed tapping his fingers on his chin thinking, "I let you have good room and gave you so much. Still, you want to leave. According to your rule, it's perfect to control right then why?" Manik questioned straight that his twin got so struck by this question, he had never gotten such concern before that he started thinking for an answer.

"I'm man so" he blurred. 

"Oh, so if we get injured do we get ketchup instead of blood?" Manik chuckled.


"Yes tell me what is the difference between men and women? Oh, you thought the logic, like in the word women there are Men. There is no man without a woman. We had straight and they had shallow we were flat they were curvy, but we had messy minds when they had straight minds. We men can stay alone not thinking anything for a while but act tired but they keep running thousands of things inside their jungle mind and still they act okay, we can't smile when someone insults us but they smile even after getting hurt more. We think about running away but they think about holding on. It's so hard to be a women, so hard if a guy is walking on the street none notices but if a girl is going out everyone gonna have a look. Irrespective of gender, okay, lots of eyes on them still they look unnoticed but they struggle so much inside by those digging glares. It's not about beauty, race something that's the world maybe human nature they attract. They are the best creatures in our universe so some intolerant man got jealous of it and started controlling it's not even controlling that harassing they are just fulfilling their ego by hurting those kind-hearted women. If someone should've controlled it's men we should control starting at women who are not ours. In clubs, you have seen cuffing, that bondage and everything just prevents the women from interpreting or resisting the thing they are doing to her they really don't know the real pleasure that comes when your girl struggles the same to break the bondage just to touch you to pull you more on to her and her melodies moans encourage to do more of it... That's all happens only by love, before marking her body you should mark her soul."

"Sorrryyy" Mark mumbled nodding to his twin's explanation. 

"You don't need to compromise with me, okay, you believe what you know and I want to tell you everything I know. Momma died not because she is rebel, she is an orphan bro you had your daddy I had my daddy but our mom has none. She has grown up in society, deep in poverty she treated this world as her family and all her life she wished to do something for this world and Dad gave her the wings to fly. You know how they killed her? Do you know how much mom got through just to save her invention from being misused? She sacrificed her everything and fought till her last breath. All those years I thought she was assaulted and killed but Nandini showed me the real reason. She showed me how great our mom was! I'm so proud of our mom. Today you are here to get money for your father's treatment, you were so worried about money and you are dying to get him best treatment. It's what she dreamed right to health for all, she wants every human deserves to get best medication that can be possible only by inventing affordable medicine and contributing for free just by charging very little for material those bastards wanted to snatch that make money out of it, today every doctor is using the medicine including your Dad. If a woman just deserves to be so low how can we men take use of her invention, if Dad locked Mom just like those creeps how would she have invented such a revolution? If I was like that creep how could've Nandini invented these all medicines? You saw how my wife chased me, but have you seen how she cried after that, it's the anger she got in fear of losing me. Just like you how you came here to hurt my family to save your father. You are a man and you know where you are coming and there are less chances of getting caught by your look, but Nandini she doesn't know where you are going to take her, she doesn't even know I was alive or dead. She doesn't even know what kind of man you are and how many monsters you had with, she had a family, fame, security everything but she left everything including her daughter and came for me, she didn't come this long just looking at the gun pointed on her head! She came for me, I did nothing compared to her but she loves me so much beyond herself. I did so many worse things to her but still she always gave me love just love" Manik confessed everything that happened in his life from the time he met Nandini as a child to the things he did for revenge, their investigation and her sacrifices that left his twin emotionally broken, by the end he was in tears of guilt for misunderstanding and hurting Nandini.

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