132- Prison

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132- Prison

Jack returned after dropping Lily to her playschool and came back to Manik. He was sitting after completing his workout and shower. 

"Rest is better, you don't need to do work out in this condition. Did you had protein?"

"Did you find anything about Zach? Do something take me out!"

"You only poked her showing divorce papers, she got angry, take it! Anyway it's best to stay here"

"What is best? You seen Lily if she got attached how about future?"

"It's okay you are her dad. I said best because if we live together we can act instantly against Zach. Safety!" Jack added coating a new point. Manik agreed.

"This photo?" Manik asked surprised seeing the portrait of him along with Lily and his mom beside him.

"It's painting made by your wife, it's her dream. Your daughter has grown up seeing this painting and her mother telling stories about your greatness."

"What did I do that great? Didn't she hate me for hurting Lily?"

"She is not stupid like you, from day one she knows that you had problem with eye colour but thought you would accept it. Not just Ronald and Zach there are many with Hazel eyes. All loved her sweet look except you. Such a cutey see" Jack admired seeing little Lily in the painting.

"Don't keep eyes on her" Manik scolded possessively getting Jack's cute anger. 

"My niece"

"But I'm her father"

"Hmm, you had a point okay. How are you feeling now? You went inside like a dinosaur then how ended up like an earthworm" Jack chuckled pulling his leg.

"I went confidently thinking she also wants it"

"You don't want to do what she asked for but always think weird things on behalf of her." Jack mocked chewing gum. He passed the tiny box offering Manik and he took it. 

"Lily is just 2.9 years why school?"

"It's our school only. None can bear your kid, you heard right, how many questions she was asking? Just like are some question bank eats everyone alive and her brain is hyperactive unlike us. Maybe because of her parent's combo, doctor suggested keeping her busy then she can learn how to use her skills easily."

"Right now you said our school?" Manik asked to confirm.

"Oh, you don't know nah. We had many new places here. We can go on a tour now, only if you complete your protein shake."

Manik did everything and both went on the tour on two bicycles, Jack assured the guards to open the Mansion gate Manik would return along with him. As they came out of the mansion the deserted green land was filled with many new buildings.

"Did you sell my estate?" Manik asked shocked.

"For security, you purchased everything around five miles, when you left the mansion Nandini took charge of everything. She realised few of our guards are married and we're living away from family. She knows how much it hurts to live away from their husband, so made this a mini city. That two apartments to live, school, hospital and superstore, park and also a prison." Jack showed him everything, Manik was just amused seeing her vision. She created a kingdom and brighted the lives of many people. 

"This is the last prohibited zone for public but hell" Jack stopped at a zone with tight security and walls ten feet higher with much protection with electric fencing over.

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now