99- Demon

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99- Demon

Sheetal drove to her office leaving the frustrated Jack "What is happening here?" Manik asked coking closer to him holding him from breaking up more things. 

"Ask that brainless girl!" Jack roared frustrated. 

"She came cried, slapped and left. What's the problem?" Manik asked again.

"Her madness"

"Look there was nothing between us. That was just gossip" Manik let out worried. 

"She dumped me before only" Jack scowled walking away. Nandini stopped Manik from following him and left him some for a while. Later Nandini went to his room and comforted him she asked about the matter and Jack told everything how Sheetal rejected his gift and today's argument.

"You thought she dumped you for advising you about finance things." Nandini asked to confirm.

"She rejected my gift and talked about Manik bro. She is thinking to separate me from him."

"How stupid you are bro? Seriously she is trying to correct you bro any random girl who wanna control of you will happily take such gift. She unknowingly she started dreaming her future with you. She told you that you should be a husband material an ideal man which means she wants you to turn responsible in life. Independent Jack! You are too much depending on Manik for your life decisions she wants you to gain ability like Manik who can manage life in a balanced way."

"What are you telling?"

"Truth, she indirectly hinted to you that she wants you as a permanent person in her life. Like a responsible husband"


"Yes, im sure. Go and propose her first you will find the matter"


"No, if or but just go tell her what you feel! If you make delay you will definitely lose her bro. Just go!" Nandini insisted.  His face glowed in happiness. 

He hurriedly grabbed his keys and was about to run when Nandini came running behind.

"Instead of Necklace, you should've brought a ring! It wasn't late yet." She smiled passing him his debit card. All of sudden he saw Maya standing there listening to them with pin-drop silence.

"Mom...  That I... "

"I underestimated you, not bad you had a great choice. She went crying because of you this should be the last time. Take it as my warning and go" Maya said with a smile pulling his cheek.

"Mom too gave permission, goo goo" Nandini cheered pushing him.

Jack purchased a diamond ring and when to Jone's office. Not wasting a second he ran inside checking for her and soon stormed inside the conference hall where Sheetal is talking with all her first-line managers about a project. Although it's not a serious matter her face was so serious showing her upset mind yet forcing herself to cope up with work requirements.

"What you're doing here? Is it manners to storm in like this!" she scoffed in anger. All the members in the conference hall looked at Jack who was all sweating by running the entire office. His white shirt turned transparent by his sweat and his tie hung down his throat unprofessional way and his blazer was missing.

"I need to talk to you, Sheetal"

"I dont wanna hear anything"

"Please, just once, please...   Baby one-minute atleast" He begged ready to fall on her. All are frozen hearing his calling their devil boss as baby. Sheetal loved hearing it as he always call her madam madam in public.

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