Aaron Hotchner- Strong (h)

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The rational part of your brain knew that having a bad day was normal, and what would be would be, but in your line of work a bad day was a hell of a bad day.

You had been in the BAU for a couple of years now, after transferring from another FBI unit, and you had been dating Aaron for almost a year of that.

The whole team had just gotten back from a case which had ended in saving a life, but the life of a young child had been lost. Whilst that was rare, it did happen, and the child deaths always hit you hard.

As soon as you got back to the building, you slumped down into your desk and stared aimlessly at your surroundings.

"Hey Hotch," Derek nudged Aaron's side as they came out of the elevator. "Y/N doesn't look so good."

Aaron sighed as he spotted you at your desk.

"You all go on home," he told the rest of the time. "I'll check on her."

They all nodded, even though they sent worried glances your way, and got ack into the elevator to go home.

Aaron made his way over to you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "Everyone else has gone home, should we do the same?"

You sighed, shaking your head. "I don't want to be on my own tonight Aaron."

"You won't be, we'll go to mine."

After a few minutes you relented, nodding, and standing up as you grabbed your things. Aaron escorted you into the elevator and kept his hand on your back the whole time.

Only once you were in the car did he look at you with concern in his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, placing his hand on your thigh. "Has something happened?"

"Just the day," you breathed out as you leant your head back against the headrest. "I love this job Aaron, you know I do, but sometimes it just gets to you."

He nodded in acknowledgement. "We all know what that is like," he leant over to kiss your cheek. "And some of us take it harder than others sometimes."

You looked at him and you saw a smile on his face.

"We have to be strong to do this job," he admitted, his hand resting on your cheek. "And you are one of the strongest people I know."

His words made you smile as you leant into his palm.

"And I am so lucky that you let me love you," he stated, his smile mirroring your own.

You leant over the centre console to kiss him gently and then rested your forehead against his for a few moments, before ending up back in your seat.

Aaron chuckled, his hand ending up back on your thigh. "Now, how about a nice night in with your favourite Hotchner boys?"

Written by Hannah.

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