Emily Prentiss- Work (c)

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No case that Emily worked on would be easy. You knew that that was territory that came with her job. It wouldn't be human if all the suffering she witnessed didn't get to her, but since she had gone back to the BAU now being the unit chief, it got to her by far a lot more. It hurt you terribly to know that she would go through so much turmoil in her job, but at least you would be able to comfort her when she returned home.

She had just returned from her fourth case back with the BAU, and she looked a bit like a mess. She still seemed professional in her suit, her dark hair pin straight but the darkened shadows under eyes and weak smile showed how she truly felt.

As soon as she came into the house she continued to talk. Not particularly talking with you, but rather talking into the room that conveniently you were there to listen.

"No wonder Hotch was losing his hair! No one listens! The team try their best but if the local officers we're working with don't listen. I don't know what they expect from me!" She exclaimed, pacing up and down the living room floor.

"They are protective of their image. No one likes to accept that they can't do something, especially when you have been put into a place of control. It hurts people's pride, I'm sure they don't mean it purposefully," you said attempting to reassure her.

"But how do they expect us to work with that? We are there to help innocent people, they are just putting their lives on the line because of their terrible levels of pride," she frowned.

She kept going with her complaints of the police officers she was forced to work with. All of her points were valid, maybe slightly hyperbolic in places but you knew that she meant well by it.

Standing up you made your way over to her, resting your hands gently on her arms, to keep her still, leaning in to press your lips to hers. Pulling away, you smiled at her, her expression slightly dazed.

"Did you just kiss me?" She asked slightly confused.

"You talk too much," you grinned, leaning in to peck her lips again.

"I'm sorry," she said gently. "I didn't mean to go on about work so much. How was your day?"

You shook your head softly, smiling at her.

"My day was fine, but I think we should order in some dinner and watch a movie. Hopefully that can take your mind off of work and help you relax." 


Written by Charlotte.

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