Will LaMontagne- Family (c)

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You were curled up on your bed in the arms of your husband looking down at your gurgling baby that lay on the sheets in front of you. Will had one leg lying along the right side of the bed, whilst you had yours along the left side, meaning your child had no way of rolling off the bed, but could still roll around and play with his teddy bear.

The past few months had been a mixture of hell and heaven. You didn't sleep at all, not that sleeping had been an easy task at the end of your pregnancy. However now having your son in front of you it was worth it, but if you were asked at three in the morning your answer would be very different and could possibly include many choice words.

"I love you," Will smiled wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pressing his lips to the top of your head.

"I love you too," you responded looking up at your husband, rubbing your thumb gently across his cheek.

You looked down at the chubby faced child that was slobbering over the cuddly toy.

"And I love you my little munchkin, even if you completely ruined my body, and are currently destroying my sanity with sleep deprivation," you said in a high pitch baby voice, trying to remove the negativity in your words with your tone.

Will's hand slid under the edge of your t-shirt to rub softly over your recently prominent stretch marks. His other hand moved up allowing his fingers to brush against your neck until it wound into your hair forcing you to turn your face back to his.

"You are more beautiful than ever, now being the mother of my son. I do not mind that your appearance has changed a little, because I cannot tell. All I can tell is that you are my wife, I love you and I would never change anything about you or our family. You are perfect," he whispered softly.

He leaned in to brush his nose against yours as your lips pressed together. The kiss was soft and loving, it was familiar and comforting. With every kiss and every word you fell in love with Will a little bit more.

"You're too good to me," you smiled.

"I am nothing more than the minimal of what you deserve."

You leant back leaning your head on his shoulder, snuggling closer to him.

The two of you looked down at your son, smiling warmly at being a small and happy family.

"He's so adorable," you whispered nearly inaudibly.

Will moved slightly and you could physically feel him grinning.

"Wouldn't it be cute if he had a sibling...?" Will grinned.

You looked up at him with a warning look.

"Not yet William unless you are willing to carry the baby yourself," you said with a frown.

He smiled. You knew that he would convince you to have another child. It wasn't as though you were against the idea, but it just felt a little too soon. However growing the family was inevitable and you didn't mind the idea of having another patter of feet across your flooring.


Written by Charlotte.

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