Emily Prentiss- Paint (c)

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JJ and Will very rarely got time together without Henry, so you and Emily had offered to babysit for them. They were grateful and you enjoyed spending time with him, so it was a win-win for all involved. You and Henry were painting together in the living room whilst Emily was making lunch for the three of you. You had no idea what he was painting on all of the sheets of paper, but he was proud of them, so that was all that truly mattered.

As she finished cooking, she called for you to grab a plate, so you quickly ran into the kitchen, knowing it wasn't smart to leave a toddler alone with paint in your living room. You had been gone for a few seconds to grab his plastic plate when you returned to the hell he had formed.

When you had left, he was sat on the sofa with plastic wrap all around him to protect the furnishing, whilst your cat Sergio was asleep in his basket on the floor. Now Henry was crouched beside him, paint covering not only his little toddler hands but also the cat's black fur.

"Henry, did you paint the cat?" You questioned, although the answer was pretty obvious.

He turned to you, giggling to himself and pointing down at the cat who looked far from impressed with the situation.

"Em," you called out, placing his plate on the table, realising that lunch would need to be pushed off for a moment.

She poked her head in the room, her hands filled with both of your lunch. Her face dropped as she saw the two painted individuals.

"I think it's bath time instead of lunchtime," you frowned.

"Oh God," she sighed, returning the plates back to the kitchen.

"Do you want to bathe the cat or the toddler?" You asked.

She cocked an eyebrow at you, with an unimpressed look on her face. "No one wants to wash the cat. I quite like to keep my skin intact."

You let out a sigh, knowing that both Henry and Sergio needed to be washed at some point and if you left either of them for too long, they'd just get paint everywhere.

"Take Henry into the bathroom and start to try and get the paint off of him, I'll wipe off as much of the paint from Sergio and we can put him in the bath later when we don't have to take care of our friends child," you stated.

Emily frowned at you as she lifted up Henry. "I told you that paint was a terrible idea."

"Well I won't do it again."


Written by Charlotte.

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