Aaron Hotchner- Nursery (c)

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Your husband was away for work for a couple of days, so you decided to take the opportunity to fight the boredom of being alone and get some stuff done that you had been putting off. You were in your third trimester of pregnancy and more than excited to welcome your child into the world but seen as the baby still had a two more months until it was due, you wouldn't let your pregnancy get in the way of preparing your home for the new arrival.

The two of you had already cleared out the bedroom and filled it with newly bought furniture for the baby but it was all stacked in the middle of the room waiting for the walls to be painted. Seen as you made a living from being an artist, it only seemed fit for you to take the reins and paint the room whilst Aaron was gone. It took you most of the three days to finish painting all of the walls and making it perfect, but it was something that you were beyond proud with. Even though the walls were still going to be wet from the last coat of paint, you were excited for him to see the final work.

Whilst you waited for him to return home, you decided to take a seat on the sofa to catch your breath back before you needed to take a shower to rid yourself of all of the paint. You didn't get a chance to shower though, you had fallen asleep on the sofa and was awoken by your husband gently shaking your shoulder.

"Welcome home," you sleepily smiled.

"What are you covered in?" He asked.

"I was bored and decided to paint the nursery, but I guess that I tuckered myself out," you shrugged.

Aaron gave you a warning look, not impressed that you had worked yourself to the point that you were passing out on the sofa whilst heavily pregnant.

"You should have waited for me to be here," he frowned. "You could have done yourself a mischief."

"I'm fine," you said dismissively. "Come on, let me show you my masterpiece."

You let him help you onto your feet before leading him to the nursery that you had decorated. A gentle smile curled onto his lips as he looked around the room.

"It's beautiful," he admitted. "What is it?"

You had painted the room in a light-yellow colour with the main wall having a mural of a sunset with pride rock in the centre, wanting to surround your child with Disney. You shook your head at your husband, not surprised that he hadn't seen the film before.

"Tomorrow we are watching The Lion King."


Written by Charlotte.

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