Sean Hotchner- Stood Up (c)

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You have no idea as to why you agreed to go on a blind date that your friend had set up. She had assured you that she had met a guy at her office whom would be a perfect match for you and actually wanted to go on a date with you. Having not been on a date for a fair while, you agreed wanting to appease your friend as you knew she wouldn't let up easily.

She refused to tell you anything about your date, seen as she knew that you'd search him on the internet and make any excuse as to why you couldn't go. All you knew was you were expected to meet him in a bar called The Edinburgh. She'd arranged for you both to wear green tops so that it would be easier to pick each other out of the crowd, but nevertheless it was still going to be impossible.

And that it was. You arrived with half an hour to spare before you were supposed to meet the guy, and two hours later he was nowhere to be seen. You knew that your friend was at work tonight meaning you couldn't get through to her, and you had no way to contact your date, so you resulted in sitting at the bar and ordering a drink.

The bartended obliged handing it to you, allowing you to down the contents and handing the glass back asking for another.

"Tough night?" He questioned.

He was a general young and attractive bartender, and although you knew being charming was how he got more tips you were fine with going along with it to whine about how terrible your date had been seen as the chap never turned up.

"Just a bit."

"Well a beautiful woman should never be sat at a bar alone."

"If my evening had gone to plan, I wouldn't be sat here alone," you sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I was supposed to be on a date, but the guy stood me up."

He smiled sympathetically towards you.

"Your boyfriend?" He questioned.

"No. I am very much single, my friend set me up on a blind date and clearly he liked keeping it blind, as he never showed. I'm so unappealing that guys even run away before they meet me," you frowned drinking your second drink.

"Well I'm glad he never turned up," he smiled.

You narrowed your eyes at the man whose name you didn't know.


"Sorry," he laughed. "I meant if he turned up I certainly would never have a chance with the lovely woman before me. Although I don't know if I have a chance now."

You couldn't help but smile at how cheesy he was being, but surprisingly it was working on you.

"Well aren't you a charmer?" You smirked. "You certainly have a chance. I'm Y/N."


Taking one of the napkins off of the bar, you pulled a pen out of your bag and wrote out your number on it.

"Well Sean, call me and we can go on a date some time, only if you promise to actually turn up."

He smiled triumphantly at what you had written onto the napkin. "I would never dare to stand you up."


Written by Charlotte.

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