Aaron Hotchner- Coffee (h)

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Of course, you loved your job.

It was such a great working environment, in the office anyway, and your colleagues were your closest friends.

The BAU had become a home for you in such a short space of time, and ever since you had been there you couldn't imagine yourself doing anything else.

It was sometimes difficult. All of you had to handle the scenes you saw and the people you hunted down.

For anyone that was going to be traumatising, so doing it as a job meant that it was a given for everything to take a toll.

With your colleagues it wasn't so bad.

All of you were friends, and not just colleagues, it would have been so difficult to not have close relationships with the team.

You knew that the team had always thought of you as the shy and innocent one – you were the youngest after all, so of course they were going to think that.

Being shy was a natural ting for you, but once you managed to get comfortable around people that part of you did disappear.

For the past few months or so, you had been in a relationship but you hadn't told your team as a part of you wanted to keep it private for just that little bit longer.

A part of you was unsure of how they were going to react, you were a fair few years younger than your boyfriend but you were beyond happy with him.

The rational part of you knew that they'd be supportive no matter what/

You fancied a chance for yourself, however.

Over the weekend, you had gone out and got practically a whole new wardrobe of clothes for yourself to change up your look, and you had changed your hair a little by adding some highlights into it.

When you walked in on the Monday morning, holding two takeaway cups of coffee, you saw Derek's mouth drop open.

"Good morning to you too," you joked with him as you sat down at your desk.

He laughed and turned to Spencer, who was also looking at you in surprise.

"You've changed your hair," Spencer stated, motioning to the new colour.

You giggled, nodding in response.

Derek spoke up from his seat opposite you. "And new clothes."

You took off your blazer jacket, draping it over the back of your chair, before standing up. "It's nice to know you're so fashion forward Morgan."

He laughed again, his eyes following you as you walked into Aaron's office with the two cups in your hands.

"Good morning," he greeted you as you shut the door, and you walked over to him to give him his coffee.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Don't act as if you didn't see me this morning already."

He smirked. "I did, and I wish you were still in that shirt."

Before you had a chance to say anything, he got up from behind his desk and quickly kissed you on the lips.

He picked up the coffee, "Thanks for this by the way, but not worth you leaving me earlier," he joked causing you to roll your eyes again.

You went up on your tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek, causing him to smile.

"Come on. We've got briefing."

You followed Aaron into the conference room, and JJ nodded in approval at your clothes.

"You look amazing," she complimented you as you had chosen a smart burgundy sleeveless dress, black pumps along with your black blazer that was still over your chair.

"Oh, come on Reid," you heard Derek say as he walked into the room alongside Spencer. "I want to ask her."

Spencer shook his head. "I already said that I would."

"What is the topic of conversation between you two today?" Emily spoke up, a slight smirk on her face.

You laughed from your spot next to Aaron around the table.

"We were talking about who would get a date with Y/N here first," Derek explaining, winking at you playfully.

Penelope was giggling behind her little remote, Spencer and Derek had finally sat down, David was chuckling away whilst JJ was eyeing up Aaron's reaction.

Your boyfriend was sat there, a smirk on his face as he gently placed his hand on your thigh under the table.

"I don't think that would be wise," Aaron spoke up.

Spencer's face turned to confusion as he looked to Aaron. "Why Hotch?"

Aaron's smirk became more prominent. "Because I believe Y/N already has a boyfriend."

"She does?" Derek questioned in surprise. "Seriously Y/N?"

You nodded in confirmation. "I do, sorry guys."

"You honestly never realised?" Emily asked both of the boys.

"Oh, come on you two, she's been off the market for at least four or five months by now," David spoke up.

You saw David wink at Aaron out of the corner of your eye.

"Who is it Y/N? There's no photos on your desk, your phone wallpaper isn't the two of you, there is no conceivable evidence of you having a boyfriend," Spencer rambled away.

You laughed at him slightly. "I don't have a photo of him on my desk currently because they haven't been printed yet, my lock screen is actually him and his son so don't blame me that you haven't seen it."

Derek was staring at you in surprise. "He has a son?"

"His name is Jack, yes."

Spencer smiled brightly. "Wow, what a coincidence, your son is called Jack Hotch."

Aaron nodded in response to him, waiting for the penny to drop.

When it did, the surprise was clear.

"Hang on. Y/N, you're with Hotch?" Derek quizzed you.

You laughed again. "I am indeed."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Spencer sounded somewhat hurt but you knew he wouldn't hold it against you or Aaron.

Aaron rubbed his thumb on your thigh affectionately, causing you to smile, before he spoke up. "It wasn't so much that we didn't want to, just that we never thought to mention it."

"We all knew though," Penelope clarified, referring to her as well as David, JJ and Emily.

"What? How?" Spencer question, shooting looks at all four of them.

David chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "It wasn't rocket science, and Aaron's screen on his phone is Y/N asleep with Jack so – not too difficult to figure out."

JJ was nodding in agreement with him. "Come on guys, you're telling me you never saw them leaving at the exact same time at night or walking in at, coincidentally, the same time in the morning?"

"We thought you two would've realised by now," Emily chimed in, a slight trace of a smirk on her face.

Derek turned to Spencer in disbelief. "How did we miss this?"


Written by Hannah.

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