Matthew Simmons- Bedtime (c)

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Every bedtime was a mission. With four children, all under six, it was almost impossible to navigate bedtime. Matt had given the two girls a bath before taking them to bed, whilst the boys being older, meant their bedtime was slightly later so you had time to bathe them before it was time to get them into bed.

When you lead David and Jake to their room, you could still heat Chloe and Lily giggling whilst Matt tried to calm them to get them to sleep. Neither boys wanted to sleep, trying to make excuses as to why they shouldn't go to sleep, however with a story read to them, Jake was down and out whilst David was drifting off. You stayed in the room for a moment before you could hear the second boy snoring. Quickly you fled the room. As you closed the bedroom door, you heard the other one close too.

Turning around you saw Matt, sighing with relief.

"Both down?" You whispered.

"Lily was out like a light once she got in bed, Chloe on the other hand," he shrugged as the two of you headed downstairs.

"David and Jake were not happy," you laughed. "But kittens who've lost their mittens helped."

Matt grabbed the wine from the dining table, pouring out two glasses. He brought them over to the sofa where you had settled yourself amongst the pillows. You happily sipped the red liquid as he sat down next to you, allowing you to curl up into his chest.

"Bedtime may be a pain in the arse, but the peace and quiet to follow is bliss," you smiled.

He leaned down to kiss the top of your head. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt that you loved your kids, you didn't regret any element of having them, even if they were a handful. Although you loved them with all of your heart, you did enjoy the evenings where you and Matt could relax after a long day and just be together as you once had before becoming parents.

"All to be done again tomorrow," he chuckled.

You moved your head to be able to look him in the eyes. You loved your husband dearly but with his job and four children, it was rare you got time together alone. Reaching up, you pulled his head down so his lips met yours.

"I love you Matt," you smiled warmly.

"I love you too Y/N."


Written by Charlotte.

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