Ashley Seaver- Worry (h)

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You had been a part of the BAU team for a while, and whilst your job could be quite harrowing at times – it was the best thing you could have imagined doing with your life.

It was never an enjoyable thing to investigate a murderer, as no person ever deserved to lose their life, but the gratitude from the people you saved and the knowing that they were safe was the important part.

The friendships within the team made it more like family.

A family that you could turn to no matter what.

Someone would always be there if you ever needed them, and with the job you all had, you needed that support system.

It was time for briefing so you walked to the conference room to see a blonde girl sat in your seat between Spencer and Derek.

"Someone is in my seat!" you announced as you walked in.

Derek laughed and turned around. "Morning loudmouth."

"Hey! I am proud to be the loudmouth in this team, someone needs to put you in your place."

He chuckled, standing up to pull you into a hug whilst the blonde girl was looking extremely confused.

"Am I actually in your seat?" she asked.

You nodded with a smile on your face. "That's where I usually sit yeah, but it's no problem. I'll go on the other side of Reid."

Once you were all sat down, Penelope stood up at the front with a smile on her face and Aaron joined her.

"As I'm sure you are all aware, we have a new member of the team," he introduced as he motioned towards the blonde girl "Agent Seaver is with us temporarily as a part of her training."

You turned and smiled at her. "I'm Y/N, and welcome to the team."

She returned your smile.

"We also apologise for Y/N and her chair, she tends to be quite protective," David interjected, a smirk on his face.

You turned to face him. "That is just rude."

He laughed and then allowed Penelope to continue with briefing.

Soon enough, you were all on the jet in order to get to the case as soon as possible.

You'd taken a seat opposite Ashley.

"Is it always this nerve wracking on the jet?" she quizzed.

"You do get used to it. It is kind of a thing that you learn to block out after a while."

"I just don't want to mess up."

"You won't. You're part of our team, and that means you're family already," you explained to her. "We're all here to help you out if you need it, no need to worry."


Written by Hannah.

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