Spencer Reid- Manager (h)

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You knew that not everyone was able to get a job, not everyone could support themselves and have the opportunity to live independently.

You were well aware of the fact that you were lucky to have your own apartment, you were lucky to have a job even if you didn't enjoy it all that much and you were lucky to be living the way you wanted.

Spencer, you boyfriend of around six months, knew where you worked and often offered to pick you up after your shift if he could get out of the office, but it had become habit for you to decline.

You worked as a barista in a local café, only five or so minutes down the road from Spencer's work but you didn't want him to see how you worked.

The people that you worked with were lovely, you got on with them and they were your friends but your manager always seemed to have it out for you – it was you that had to do the most menial tasks, it was you that got picked up on for the smallest of things and it was starting to make you hate going to work.

That day you were working an afternoon shift and unbeknownst to you Spencer had convinced Derek, Emily and JJ to join him at your café for a late lunch whilst Hotch stayed at the Bureau.

"Y/N!" your manager called to you as Spencer, JJ, Derek and Emily walked through the door. "You need to clean the fridges again, they're dirty."

Sighing, you started to pick up your supplies. "I only did them yesterday," you told them. "And we're only supposed to clean them every other week."

Your manager scoffed. "Yes, well it was not up to standard and I want you to do them again."

"But-" you went to protest as you couldn't leave your colleague on their own behind the counter.

"No Y/N!" your manager stated with finality. "You will clean the fridges again like I asked you."

Spencer was stood there in shock as he took in the way your manager had spoken to you, and he watched you go into, what he presumed to be, the back room to do what you'd been asked to do.

"Well I think they could've asked her in a nicer way than that," Emily mused to herself.

An hour later you came back out from the back room having completely scrubbed the fridges – if your manager told you do them again tomorrow you didn't know what you were going to do.

Sometimes it just didn't make sense why you were always the one that got picked on.

Your thoughts were swirling around in your head as you went about cleaning tables and asking the regulars how they were.

Someone clearing their throat made you look up, and you saw your boyfriend and his colleagues sitting right in front of you.

"Oh!" you exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't even see you guys come in."

Spencer chuckled, standing to kiss your cheek quickly. "We thought we'd come in for a late lunch," he told you with a smile.

Even though he was smiling at you you could tell something was bothering him.

"We came in when your boss was ordering you to clean the fridges," Derek spoke up causing Spencer to roll his eyes.

You grimaced slightly at knowing that, but it made sense as to why Spencer was quieter than usual.

"Y/N!" your manager called out to you from the counter and so you turned around. "This isn't a job for chatting! And you should not be disturbing the customers."

No one else in the café seemed all that bothered at the fact that your manager was practically yelling at you across the place.

However, judging by the way Spencer and the others tensed they were not happy at the way you were being spoken to.

"I'll see you guys later at some point," you told them all with a smile and then looked to Spencer. "I finish in about an hour if you want to pick me up?"

He nodded, pulling you into a gentle kiss once he'd stood up again. "Of course, love, I'll see you later."

You smiled at him and then nodded at your friends.


Wincing at the loud voice of your manager, you offered your friends and boyfriend another smile before retreating back behind the counter.

"So, Spence," JJ spoke up. "What are we doing about that god-awful manager?"


Written by Hannah.

Criminal Minds Imagines and One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें