Luke Alvez- Relax (c)

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As the day turned to night, you had settled onto the sofa in your pyjamas with your husband's dog Roxy joining you, cuddling up to your side. You were waiting for your husband to come home although you didn't know when he would be home as his work hours were inconsistent.

Maybe an hour after settling on the sofa, the front door opened showing that your husband had come home. He made a beeline for the living room, throwing his bag on the floor. You gave him a gentle smile, but he seemed tired, as he did most nights.

"Hello Love," you smiled whilst Roxy raised her head to look at Luke but didn't move from her spot beside you.

Luke didn't say anything, just grunted.

"Bad day?" You said softly.

"You could say that," he sighed.

He started to rant and rave about the hell of work. You knew he enjoyed working for the BAU however it did take a toll on him and caused him more stress than he would like to admit. He continued to complain about work, not giving you even a second to say anything.

Finally, he paused allowing you to speak to him.

"Maybe if you join us it'll help?" You offered sweetly, hoping that he would just sit down so you could comfort him.

He let out another loud sigh, conceding and sitting down next to you. You wrapped your arms around him, keeping him close, hoping he would settle into the comfort of the sofa as Roxy crawled onto you so she could rest her head onto Luke's lap.

"Work is just consuming me," he frowned. "Even my own time, my time with you, is affected by it, I just end up thinking about work and can't do anything I want to out of my work hours."

You raised your hand to cover his mouth, which confused him, but you didn't care.

"Luke Alvez, hush for a moment," you stated attempting to feign a stern attitude. You slowly moved your hand away from his mouth. "I love you Luke, but you need to separate work and pleasure, so for now just shut up and enjoy yourself. You are home, so you focus on that, not work."

He nodded softly. "I'm sorry Y/N."

"I know your work takes a toll, but you need to relax."

With that Luke didn't argue the fact, he simply cuddled up closer to you, resting a hand on Roxy to stroke her as the three of you relaxed.


Written by Charlotte.

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