Spencer Reid- Father (h)

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You'd never imagined that the man you were in love with would get arrested.

However, when you got that call, you broke into pieces.

There was no doubt in your mind that Spencer actually meant to do what he was being accused of.

Along with the rest of his team, you believed that he was being framed but that one claim would not stand up in the court.

It was agony not having Spencer around, especially when you needed him most.

Ever since the two of you got married, three years prior, you had been trying to have a family and only two months after it happened he got arrested.

It came at one of the worst points and you feared that Spencer would not get to see his child be born, and have that family with you.

His court date was set, and it was when you were eight and a half months pregnant.

Despite JJ and Emily trying to convince you to not go to the court date, they both knew that you had to be there so there you were – sat watching as your husband was getting sentenced, surrounded by the people you considered family and every single one of you wanting Spencer to walk free.

Not being able to contain yourself, you stood up, gaining the attention of the judge as well as the rest of the courtroom.

Spencer looked at you with wide eyes, shaking his head when he realised what you were about to do but knowing he couldn't speak out due to his predicament.

"My apologies for the interruption Your Honour," you addressed the judge.

He nodded his head towards you "Mrs Reid, yes?"

You nodded in confirmation "I wish to say one thing, and then I will be seated again."

When the judge seemed to be paying attention, you took that as permission to being talking.

"As it's probably quite obvious, I am almost nine months pregnant and of course my husband wants to see his child be born," you unconsciously rested your hand on your stomach as you spoke "But here he is, sat in handcuffs, awaiting his sentence for something that was set up to frame him."

At your words, the courtroom gasped whilst Spencer's team were looking at you with smiles on their faces.

"Like any mother, I want my child to have its father in its life. It would not feel right for my husband to not be able to raise his child alongside me."

When you went to speak again, a pain shot through you and you reached out to grasp Derek's hand who then looked at you in surprise.

Derek slowly stood up, putting his other arm around you to support your back and tried to get you to sit down again but you shook your head.

"Mrs Reid, are you okay?" the judge asked, taking note of your pain stricken face.

You began to take slow breaths, and went to answer the judge but stopped short when you felt water trickling down your legs.

JJ stood up from the other side of you, and spoke "Y/N, you're in labour."


Written by Hannah.

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