Chapter 20

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It stands to reason that many people living by the river know how to use water, but there are still some who can't.

After the child fell into the water, there happened to be a fishing boat nearby, and the fisherman quickly jumped into the water and swam towards this side.

All the people who heard the movement rushed over. From a distance, there were many people surrounded by the river where the accident happened.

It stands to reason that except for the other children who were frightened, adults shouldn't exclaim like that.

After rushing to the river, Lin Nuo frowned slightly.

When the exclamation sounded just now, his consciousness quickly spread out, and he noticed a very faint cold aura, and now that he was by the river, that coldness became more obvious.

There is something under the water.

Many men went down to catch the child in the water. Even if the child was struggling because of falling into the water, a few big men should be able to hold it down. They had already caught the child in the water, but the child was sinking badly. The big guy couldn't pull it up.

"It's too cold in the water."

A shirtless man emerged from the bottom of the water, his lips were purple with cold, he wiped the water off his face with his hands, and said to the people on the shore.

Hearing this, it was clearly early summer, and the people on the shore felt a chill coming from their backs. What a day it was, no matter how bad the water was, it wouldn't be very cold.

No one expressed their conjectures. The sun was hidden in the dark clouds for some reason, and it has been a long time since it came out.

"It's a tiger."

Yun Hua suddenly said that the three of them had reached the river.

Xuanshuang and Shen Bing behind Gu Qing were both shaking slightly, and the bottom of the water was probably caused by spirits making trouble.

Yun Hua flicked his fingers, and an invisible spell fell into the water, searching for what was inside.

The big man who dived into the water again noticed the change in water temperature, and several people worked together to quickly fish the tiger out of the water.

"Go, get out of the way."

The man who went ashore first drove the people around the bank aside, and put the tiger on the grass.

Although he didn't approach them, Lin Nuo's spiritual sense kept chasing them. Seeing this, he secretly cast a spell to make the tiger spit out all the water in his lungs and stomach.

"Okay, okay, the water is spit out."

Before anyone could save Huzi, those big men were relieved when they saw Huzi vomit out the water by himself and said loudly.

Huzi opened his eyes weakly and coughed a few times.

He didn't fall into the water for a long time. Although he couldn't get up for a short while, he recovered now. When he was rescued, he spit out the water automatically and he was able to live. The people around him didn't suspect it.

Hu Ziniang and grandma ran towards this side crying, watching Hu Zi wake up, and wiped their tears, but luckily everything was fine.

But when Huzi said that his ankle was hurting, his mother pulled up his trousers, and there was a blue and black handprint on Huzi's ankle, and Huzi's mother's face was whiter than Huzi's, and she quickly pulled the tiger away. The trousers are lowered.

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