Chapter 54

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Blu was a little shocked by Ling Chunan's generous gesture, "Third, third prince, you..."

"What's wrong?" Ling Chunan looked at Blu and asked.

Blue blushed instantly, "Huh, sorry, I don't think you can't win, it's just that I can't take your 20%." At

this time, Ling Chunan's name was already being called on the stage. For this upright and cheerful future He was quite satisfied with his subordinates and did not say whether he agreed or disagreed. "You go ahead and place your bet."

"Yes, Third Prince."

Blue moved quickly and had already placed his bet before Ling Chunan came on stage. The whole process takes no more than two minutes.

Ling Chunan didn't communicate with him after he placed the bet, and slowly walked onto the ring.

The Third Prince's original appearance was good-looking, but due to his sharp and arrogant aura that had been in a high position for a long time, it was difficult for people to get close to him. After changing his soul, Ling Chunan did not deliberately change, but he did not pretend, so his whole temperament A little softer, even if there is no expression, it is still very attractive.

At this time, Ling Chunan's opponent was already standing on the stage. Ogood was tall and strong, forty centimeters taller than Ling Chunan. 098 couldn't help but stare at the human who seemed to be taller than the dragon. I was stunned for a moment, this guy looks too exaggerated.

Although Ogood's face was not full of flesh, his big Chinese character face and slanted eyebrows gave him a murderous look.

Relatively speaking, Ling Chunan standing in front of him was like a small lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"The third prince I just voted for won." A junior magician girl said, "He is so good-looking."

A student from the swordsman department continued: "He is good-looking and cannot make his opponent surrender directly. Don't forget, all the previous ones of the same level In the battles that defeated the academic department, not a single one was won by the magician. What's more, Ogood-senpai is also a genius in the swordsman department. Although the third prince is also very powerful, I think this competition belongs to Ogood-senpai. The winning rate is relatively high, so you are probably at a loss."

"I think so. I heard that Senior Ogood was booked by the second prince as a personal guard when he was in the fourth grade. He will work for the second prince as soon as he graduates. , I really envy him."

"It is unlucky for the third prince to meet Senior Ogood. Now that we are competing in the academy, it is naturally impossible for Senior Ogood to admit defeat because of his identity."


Listening to these whispers, 098 I feel that it was very wise for the host not to let the dragon come today. What these people said was too offensive. If he were here, he might change back to his original shape before the game starts and crush all those who said bad things about Ling Chunan.

However, since this person is the second prince's recruit, it is self-evident how the host and him met.

This second prince is really evil.

Ling Chunan seemed not to have heard the students' discussion at all, and stood in front of Ogood with a calm expression.

"Junior Kaxiu Lant, Your Highness the Third Prince, I have long admired you." Ogood made a swordsman's salute to Ling Chunan.

In response to the other party's somewhat explosive greeting, Ling Chunan nodded slightly, "Ogood Leo, I have also admired you for a long time." "

You are a junior, and as a senior, I should be polite." Ogood said again, very gentlemanly. He stretched out his hand and stood the heavy sword in his hand on the ground, "I can give you three moves. If you hit me, I lose. How about it?"

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